Duration: 61 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-10 10:14:36 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/espejoPublico Los personajes famosos van dejando tras de sí una estela de objetos susceptibles de ser subastados... Ojo a las ultimas rarezas que sacan a subasta los famosos planetarios y por los que pronto se podrá pujar. |
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Espejo Público - Subastas de famosos
The blog's interviews: Luigi Codecasa
Duration: 370 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-15 04:15:09 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it |
Comments | |
loneleygirl15 ::: Favorites very good and performedd 07-06-16 06:59:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sandrino66 ::: Favorites facciamo qualcosa mandiamo via questi dipendenti abbiamo bisogno di gente nuova giovane e pulita nell'anima. Grillo dacci una mano. 07-06-20 08:14:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Diddoddi ::: Favorites i giovani sarebbero puliti nell'anima? E da quando? Sono cattivi fino al midollo...te lo dico io che ho 16 anni. 07-06-21 09:52:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
cippalippa005 ::: Favorites Può essere... Ma secondo me il creiterio di scelta non dovrebbe essere l'età, ma la lealtà, la capacità di raggiungere degli obiettivi stabiliti, la determinazione. Nel caso di fallimento il politico (giovane o vecchio che sia) se ne vada a casa, senza possibilità di reciclo. E via con uno nuovo. 07-06-21 11:49:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
kubu79 ::: Favorites Ottimo! Davvero ottimo! La penso esattamente come te, cippalippa005.Di un pò, non sarai mica filoamericano anche tu? 07-06-24 20:04:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sandrino66 ::: Favorites non così giovani e cmq non sono tutti come dici tu. 07-06-22 05:49:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Diddoddi ::: Favorites la maggior parte sì. ora ci vuole un bel WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! =) 07-06-22 06:55:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
ShadeofChaoS ::: Favorites oscuri presagi 07-06-21 10:35:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
pavelnedvedgod ::: Favorites 3389391624. Call me. 07-06-28 12:59:52 _____________________________________________________ |
Small Biz: Going Green Pays
Duration: 148 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-02 10:03:49 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
How Healthy Home Products, an organic company, is wooing distributors from Wal-Mart to Bed Bath & Beyond. |
La Settimana N 48 di Beppe Grillo
Duration: 329 seconds Upload Time: 06-12-06 12:03:42 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it - Beppe Grillo commenta i fatti della settimana riportati sul suo blog |
Comments | |
WilliamBiella ::: Favorites Guardate il video,la mia canzone contro Corona e lo stato...Siamo noi...gli ostaggi dello stato! ;-)cliccatemi e commentate!cmq.Grillo e'1 grande e basta!;-) 07-08-02 22:30:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
WandaThePanda ::: Favorites Olé grande grillo 07-08-04 08:33:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
eljombi ::: Favorites Grillo illiberale, quando con la sua campagna Parlamento pulito vorrebbe negare il diritto di candidarsi alle elezioni a qualsiasi persona che, condannata da un tribunale per un qualsiasi reato, abbia scontato la sua pena, ponendosi in aperta contraddizione con la legge italiana e mezza tonnellata di convenzioni e trattati internazionali sui diritti politici, compresa la Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani, al suo articolo 21. 07-08-05 12:41:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
robotanime ::: Favorites Scusami un attimo, liberi si ma.....al parlamento NO!!!!!!! 07-08-06 19:01:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
grilmi ::: Favorites "Grillo illiberale, quando con la sua campagna Parlamento . .......sui diritti politici, compresa la Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani, al suo articolo 21." MA COME SI FA AD ESSERE PIU DEFICIENTI? COME SI POSSONO DIRE COSE DEL GENERE... MA SE UN QUALUNQUE CITTADINO NORMALE (NON POLITICI MARIONETTE DELLE BANCHE) CHE VOGLIA LAVORARE NEL SETTORE PUBBLICO DEVE PRESENTARE UNA FIDINA PENALE PULITISSIMA!! E PER TE UNA PERSONA CHE CI GOVERNA PUO' ANCHE ESSERE UN PREGIUDICATO?????? 07-08-07 05:06:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
eljombi ::: Favorites Appunto, bisogna sparare a chi nelle amministrazioni pubbliche impedisce di lavorare a chi non è immacolato, secondo loro, e moralizzano dall' alto verso il basso; a parte il fatto che col cazzo che dopo 5 anni torni ad essere "immacolato", ci sono registri segreti da cui MAI sarai cencellato, anche per una coglionata commessa da giovane, sei segnato vita natural durante. 07-08-07 08:28:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
eljombi ::: Favorites cencellato=cancellato, of course. 07-08-07 08:29:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
eljombi ::: Favorites L' articolo 21 deve essere applicato a tutti, ma nn è ke togliendolo a qualcun' altro risolvi la situazione. 07-08-07 08:31:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sanguerosso ::: Favorites Grande Beppe! Abbasso i distributori di tumori alias inceneritori. Abbasso i dipendenti troppo indipendenti! Viviamo in una realtà di farabbutismo politico. 07-08-08 16:59:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
WilliamBiella ::: Favorites Guardate il video,la mia canzone contro Corona e lo stato...Siamo noi...gli ostaggi dello stato! ;-)cliccatemi e commentate!cmq.Grillo e'1 grande e basta!;-) 07-08-08 18:34:50 _____________________________________________________ |
Janelle and Diane talk Part 1
Jim Cramer Tells You What's Hot in Tech Stocks
Duration: 136 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-11 15:48:40 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
From Cisco to Intel to Google, Jim gives the scoop on why tech is the sector to shop in. |
Comments | |
Foober ::: Favorites "Relativity" heh. Thanks for that Farnoosh. 07-07-11 16:20:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
HomoGeneIous ::: Favorites WE THE PEOPLE, DEMAND IMPEACHMENT BACK on the TABLE, ANY TABLE, but "BRING IT ON" Impeach!!! Impeach!!! Impeach!!! 07-07-12 02:19:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
insidebetween ::: Favorites Why are the Americans who claim to be Christians, the staunchest ally of the Turks who committed GENOCIDE on the FIRST CHRISTIAN NATION OF THE WORLD, the Armenians? Why are Jews suppressing knowledge of the Armenian genocide in order to curry favor with the Turks who just elected an Islamist government? What does Christ tell George Bush when He speaks to the president? that screwing the first Christian nation of the world is in our national interest perhaps, as the State Department claims it is? 07-07-27 12:38:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
pachebel ::: Favorites Definition The quantifiable likelihood of loss or less-than-expected returns. Examples: currency risk, inflation risk, principal risk, country risk, economic risk, mortgage risk, liquidity risk, market risk, opportunity risk, income risk, interest rate risk, prepayment risk, credit risk, unsystematic risk, call risk, business risk, counterparty risk, purchasing-power risk, event risk. HAHAHAHA 07-08-08 01:51:16 _____________________________________________________ |
Cambio Radical - Rafa vive traumatizado por su físico
Duration: 101 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-20 07:13:56 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/cambioradial Rafa vive traumatizado por su físico.Desde pequeñito le ha traumatizado su nariz, su boca y sus orejas.Por eso quiere entrar en Cambio radical. |
Comments | |
KristinaFueraFacha3 ::: Favorites Para mi Facha 3 es el peor canal de España. Tiene pesima programacion tan solo emiten pelis y pelis, pocas series y malas como Los Hombres Borregos, Manolo y Benito Borregueision. Parece una televisión local. Sus mañanas y sus sobremesas estan aun por definir, y lo rellenan con repeticiones de series. Al menos los otros canales tienen una parrilla asentada y emiten buenas series. ¡Cambio Radical otra basura mas, con Aida no tiene nada que hacer! 07-04-03 11:04:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
cocokras ::: Favorites danpena tres, el cancer de youtube, dais asco kedaos en la tele de la marujas y piraros de internet, cerdas. 07-04-10 09:59:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
pitiplatsch8 ::: Favorites ves, si no hubieran tantas convenias de mierda k solo se fijan en el fisico no pasaria esto, la culpa son de la sociedad k desprecian a los feos y no ayudais para darle autoestima mediante cariño 07-04-30 17:42:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
depena3 ::: Favorites ahhhh cambio radica no tenia audiencia los domingo cuñaooooooooo!!!! po eso lo an pasao al marte cuñaoOoOoOOOO 07-05-06 17:43:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
joderqtantoscogios ::: Favorites po todo el mundo se merece cambiar si no se siente a gusto cnsigo mismo no?? a mi m parece bien q se hagan cosas d estas. solo los q stan muy acmplejados cn su fisico saben lo q se siente y os aseguro q es horroroso xq yo lo toy viviendo, y no se lo deseo a nadie, la verdad. 07-05-17 11:30:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
ilargitxo2 ::: Favorites Pues anda q la madre de este que sale en el video vay atela! mira que decirle cuando él le preguntaba q porque él era feo y sus hermanos no, mira que decirle q le compraron a unas gitanas oq despueés de 3 pues claro a él y ano le quedaba nada más. NO me extraña q esté traumatizado! 07-05-21 20:23:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
orquideaexotic ::: Favorites ESTA GUAPO COMO ES MUY VARONIL que pena es muyyyy SUPERFICIAL 07-05-24 18:26:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
Stiggzab ::: Favorites ESTO ES BASURA 07-05-25 13:36:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
cindygymnastbabeim ::: Favorites CAMAZONDATING dot COM for the hottest adult webcam dating site! 07-08-03 14:18:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
meli15hh ::: Favorites sk los crios son malos... siempre burlandose de los detalles de los demas 07-08-08 07:14:25 _____________________________________________________ |
Nick and Dani in bed again.
Duration: 69 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-18 03:33:08 User: xx2000xx :::: Favorites |
They didn't switch the sound. |
Comments | |
taraist1 ::: Favorites oh they are so doing it. 07-07-18 14:32:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
Crt4ever07 ::: Favorites that's exactly wat I thought 07-07-18 17:09:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
DumpRoy ::: Favorites Whoa. It's pretty clear that that is Nick on top, holding himself up, over her, with his arms. 07-07-21 20:33:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
Delpiero10juventus10 ::: Favorites fucking frak 07-07-23 19:38:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
Lalalina0804 ::: Favorites ew i hear 2 guys under the covers 07-07-23 23:25:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
23jade23 ::: Favorites maybe..their...just...talking..lol 07-07-24 09:38:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
ladyroc11433 ::: Favorites are they fucking with her dad in the room. 07-07-26 10:45:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
DRAYAD ::: Favorites I hope her bf don't think ne thing was going on either. :) 07-07-31 21:33:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
beyblade999 ::: Favorites a whore in BB8 hooray!!! dumbass blonde bitch! go fuck nick without the covers! show us how whore-able you are mothafuckin bitch! 07-08-02 00:19:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
cuzilikeitlikethat ::: Favorites you can see his lower back moving... 07-08-03 09:35:56 _____________________________________________________ |
Practice Sucked :(
Duration: 148 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-02 18:52:12 User: soccerstar4ever :::: Favorites |
Coach put me up against Sam in practice. SOOOOO unfair :( |
Comments | |
clouds555 ::: Favorites THIS IS FAKE TOO ITS PART OF LONELYGIRL did u notice in every one of their videos one of the tags is "lonelygirl" even if she doesnt tlk about lonelygirl? 07-06-23 23:16:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
magikbymoonlight ::: Favorites She's not as good of an actress as the first lonelygirl. I'd bang her though 07-06-24 17:58:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
helen3333 ::: Favorites haha "the world is suffering,Taylor,deal with it!" lol 07-06-25 18:53:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
ys1992 ::: Favorites who cares 07-06-27 18:53:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
cornizzle36 ::: Favorites Wow. You are a terrible actor! The whole Lonelygirl15 saga thing doesn't need any more characters. 07-06-29 14:23:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Saskanuka ::: Favorites Moms' are TOOOOOOOO strict just to say. 07-07-06 12:33:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
HazyAlex ::: Favorites This isn't real. It doesn't feel real. It's acting. Not very good, but acting nonetheless. 07-07-07 13:51:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
soraiyame ::: Favorites Ha. She says she couldn't live without soccer or "Sam" but she's played any "soccer" since she started helping "Bree". I love how they miss these things... 07-07-10 02:39:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
redsox32394 ::: Favorites ur mom is awsome,but ur sister is goth and a loser 07-07-15 00:18:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
imdjdan ::: Favorites ::::: 15over15 ::::: 07-07-23 19:47:05 _____________________________________________________ |
Short the Homebuilders, Says Cramer
Duration: 246 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-12 16:10:39 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Cramer gives you the scoop on how to short Pulte, Lennar and the rest. |
Comments | |
insidebetween ::: Favorites Why are the Americans who claim to be Christians, the staunchest ally of the Turks who committed GENOCIDE on the FIRST CHRISTIAN NATION OF THE WORLD, the Armenians? Why are Jews suppressing knowledge of the Armenian genocide in order to curry favor with the Turks who just elected an Islamist government? What does Christ tell George Bush when He speaks to the president? that screwing the first Christian nation of the world is in our national interest perhaps, as the State Department claims it is? 07-07-27 12:37:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
ottinoz ::: Favorites go get some free porn videos at _PORNFO.COM_ 07-08-06 22:35:24 _____________________________________________________ |
Duration: 601 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-19 14:33:17 User: fridsl :::: Favorites |
NEL MONDO 17 MILIONI DI BAMBINI SONO SOTTO PSICOFARMACI. Otto milioni nei soli Stati Uniti. QUARANTAMILA IN ITALIA. Non è mai stata dimostrata una relazione tra problemi mentali e squilibri biochimici e LA PSICHIATRIA NON DISPONE DI ESAMI come la medicina, ma solo di test. Progetti e screening di stampo psichiatrico sono già approdati nelle scuole e spesso vengono dati agli studenti questionari, senza il consenso dei genitori, con lo scopo di "diagnosticare" disturbi di apprendimento (come l'ADHD). Ecco alcune delle domande: "Muove spesso le mani o i piedi o si agita sulla sedia?" "E' distratto facilmente da stimoli esterni?" "Ha difficoltà a giocare quietamente?" "Spesso chiacchiera troppo?" E' molto facile sbagliare e venire etichettati. Si tratta di un business in costante crescita che ha già patologizzato il 9% dei bambini. Gli stessi insegnanti vengono "addestrati" a individuare i bambini a "rischio" e a indirizzarli alle strutture neuropsichiatriche. Visita questi siti per saperne di più: www.ccdu.org www.cchr.org Se ritieni di aver subito danni a causa di diagnosi o trattamenti psichiatrici puoi metterti in contatto con il Comitato dei Cittadini per i Diritti Umani Onlus: Tel.: 02 36510685 Email: linea.stampa@ccdu.org |
Renetto's Happy New Year Song.
Duration: 79 seconds Upload Time: 06-12-22 01:47:18 User: renetto :::: Favorites |
http://www.paulrobinett.com To all my Bestiest Friends in the Whole Widest World... Happy New Year 2007. Thank You! |
Comments | |
Beccahua ::: Favorites omfg thats creeepy o_O for some reason that reminds me of black christmas..? 07-07-05 10:36:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
SplidgetMidget ::: Favorites i had nightmares for a week after dis 07-07-06 17:21:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
JPFondue ::: Favorites Is this the new Jiffy Pop commercial? 07-07-08 00:48:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
ZapBlaze ::: Favorites um...... 07-07-12 23:18:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
mastertrunks44 ::: Favorites These are dumb, but I love my mama too much... If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours 07-07-14 07:45:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
ZallyPower ::: Favorites HEYA!!!!!! I am Zally Power! I am a new Youtube Funded Comedy Series! Our first episode is coming really! soon! But its time to get the audience ready! Subscribe to ZALLY POWER! For every subscriber Zally Power will subscribe back to you Our trailer is coming on the 23rd of July 2007! First 1000 subscribers will be sent an official Zally Power T shirt - created by YOUTUBE! Love from Zally Power! 07-07-22 13:24:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
EpicFailMan ::: Favorites "HELLO DERE YOO TUBE, DIS HERE IS A FAILURE PILE WEARING SOME STUPID ORNAMENTS ON MY HEAD AND RIPPING OFF AN ADAM SANDLER VOICE." 0/5 Renetto. DIAF 07-07-28 23:28:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
Mukabohshou ::: Favorites This is kinda odd but I cant help but watch the whole thing 07-08-02 04:52:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
Palmolivepanda ::: Favorites I agree 100%. 07-08-02 17:22:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
godfather071572 ::: Favorites One of the best videos every. I laughed my ass off at this.. lmao 07-08-03 02:55:29 _____________________________________________________ |
Destruction of territory
Duration: 286 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-30 03:39:12 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it |
Comments | |
castigliani666 ::: Favorites Gli italiani sono troppo confusi e poco coraggiosi. E' bello lottare attraverso il web ma è una strada ARtroppo difficile per un paese come l'Italia. Perchè non lottare ad armi pari? Istituire un partito,,potrebbe essere una soluzione. Continuare ad usare la fionda contro individui "corazzati" fino ai denti potrebbe essere efficace .....ma è un processo lentissimo....ci vorrebbero 10 generazioni di "Beppe Grillo". 07-04-30 18:50:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
mptrax ::: Favorites lottare per mezzo del web ??? ahahahah e che sono gli Stati Uniti ? 6 in Italia amico !!!!! lo stesso grillo è tutta una contraddizione , se si mette in politica lo "trombano" dopo 10 minuti , ecco xkè nn entra. e poi anke lui ha conflitti di interessi ! 07-07-04 13:20:01 _____________________________________________________ |
5 Dumbest Things On Wall Street
Duration: 216 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-13 14:02:30 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
theStreet.com's senior editor Colin Barr is back with the 5 Dumbest Things On Wall St. This Week. |
Comments | |
jaghad ::: Favorites Zero self confidence. Dorks!! 07-07-27 20:25:57 _____________________________________________________ |
NOTICIAS - Portada de El Jueves
Duration: 42 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-24 10:36:41 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/a3noticias/ Hasta 2500 euros se piden en Internet por el ejemplar de El Jueves secuestrado judicialmente |
Comments | |
xikilla13 ::: Favorites ESTO NO PASARIA SI HUBIERA REPUBLICA 07-07-26 05:50:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
Taraborn ::: Favorites Creo que al gilipollas del juez ese lo que le ha jodido realmente es lo que dice el príncipe en el dibujo, lo de que sería lo más parecido a trabajar que ha hecho en su vida. Lo de que el dibujo le resulta "denigrante" lo ha hecho para ocultar una verdad puesta de forma demasiado clara. 07-07-26 05:51:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
SpainSpitFire ::: Favorites si no digo que sea cierto o gracioso, sólo digo que si a MI me sacan en la portada de una revista de esa manera y tuviera el poder que tiene ese hombre, secuestrar ese ejemplar de la revista no iba a ser ni el pricipio... 07-07-26 07:44:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
parrebuff ::: Favorites Toda la verdad sobre el secuestro aqui: mytube-2.blogspot,com/ (cambiad la coma por un punto) 07-07-26 08:38:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
leviscostello ::: Favorites Pues eres un pedazo de mierda reprimida y totalitaria. 07-08-02 17:33:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
SpainSpitFire ::: Favorites y no hay más que ver una frase tuya para ver lo tremendamente inteligente y avanzado que eres tu. 07-08-02 17:34:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
leviscostello ::: Favorites Bueno, explica qué más harías después del secuestro. ¿Ejecutaría a alguien? 07-08-02 17:36:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
SpainSpitFire ::: Favorites no, lo ridiculizaría ante el mundo entero tal y como hizo él. Aquí nadie ha hablado de matar. 07-08-02 17:39:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
leviscostello ::: Favorites Bla bla bla 07-08-02 17:56:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
Miscarry ::: Favorites crece 07-08-02 19:41:09 _____________________________________________________ |
BREAKING NEWS: Mark Cuban and Lonelygirl15... "Forgive Us"
Duration: 478 seconds Upload Time: 06-10-09 23:35:49 User: renetto :::: Favorites |
http://www.paulrobinett.com The furture is now... a little message to Mark Cuban, Lonelygirl15 and all the other people who don't understand YouTube... enjoy... paul |
Comments | |
dietcokeheadd ::: Favorites i saw a featured video that was linked to you and i've since been perusing. paul. you clearly have no life. 07-01-23 22:51:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
okoou ::: Favorites very clever, paul. use the names "mark cuban" and "lonely girl" to get some hits for your asinine diatribes. YAWN 07-02-22 21:14:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
Mflandy19 ::: Favorites you said creater content will get paied and you were right 07-02-24 12:57:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
ironmike436 ::: Favorites hahahaha Mark Cuban making a film about 9-11? Mark Cuban sold a company that NEVER MADE A FUCKIN DIME to JEW controlled AOL/Time Warner. That made him instantly wealthy a few BILLION. This is understood that you do not attain that wealth in this country unless you are part of the insiders and are well aware and support their agenda. HAHAHAHAHA and guess what Mark Cuban is a JEW. 07-03-24 15:05:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
runetto ::: Favorites Talk Show - nothing is innappropriate - our first Broadcast! See what we have got to say about it today! 07-03-28 18:11:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
Elvaxion ::: Favorites Amen 07-04-02 13:32:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
helivestubes ::: Favorites Ya ...my first vid sucked but with a little practice I was able to put together some decent vids. And a character people seem to like. {FROG} I dont have fancy lighting but there are some funny clips. At least I can say I never fell for lonelygirl15s bull lololololol. Its because I dont jump on every bandwagon personality on youtube! Thanks to all the youtubers that keep it real and funny! =) Helives! - aka character - FROG 07-06-19 10:08:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
handle117j628 ::: Favorites Cute video. There are a ton of wild camgirls at _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ -handle117j628 07-08-04 05:02:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
amaliagrrrl2fine ::: Favorites Go to CAMAZONCAMS . COM for very hot cam girls! 07-08-08 20:23:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
amaliagrrrl2fine ::: Favorites Go to CAMAZONCAMS . COM for very hot cam girls! 07-08-08 20:23:15 _____________________________________________________ |
Hannity Gets Lesson About Bush's Unpopularity
Duration: 252 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-04 00:22:36 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
Juan Williams explains to Hannity why President Bush didn't make Time Magazine's List of Most Influential. Note how Hannity turns Cuba's Castro into a Democrat and FOX News gets the photo of Ayatollah Khamenei wrong. Comment at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/05/04/hannity_calls_cubas_castro_a_democrat_then_gets_a_lesson_about_george_bushs_unpopularity.php#more |
FOX fears Fairness Doctrine will Hush Rush
Duration: 163 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-29 03:48:49 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
www.newshounds.us For a fair and balanced network, FOX sure does hate liberals and all they stand for. John Gibson insists that a "faairness doctrine" redux will create a liberal monopoly in the media. Yeah, right. Please comment at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/06/28/fair_and_balanced_fox_fears_fairness_doctrine.php#more |
Reset! - Messaggi al mondo - Parma / 1
Duration: 134 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-03 06:30:08 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it - Reset Tour 2007 - Messaggi al mondo, Parma 17 marzo 2007 |
Comments | |
aduner ::: Favorites Grande Grillo! 07-04-03 06:59:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
marcoboschini ::: Favorites Mitico Comune di Colorno... 07-04-11 06:24:13 _____________________________________________________ |
Cramer & Mason: Why the "Spend It" Critics Are Wrong
Duration: 241 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-20 14:33:58 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Jim interviews Cliff on why the critics of last week's column don't get it. |
Coulter Complains About Hate Speech
Duration: 492 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-03 03:10:25 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
The declining career of Ann Coulter got a dose of Republican Rehab from Hannity & Colmes 5/2/07 as they allowed her to rail about liberals' hate speech while giving her an almost complete pass on her own. Comment at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/05/03/almost_completely_ignoring_ann_coulters_own_history_of_hate_fox_news_gave_her_a_platform_to_complain_about_liberalshate_speech.php |
Buenafuente-Un jefe envidioso
Duration: 267 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-04 08:10:28 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/buenafuente/ Hay jefes muy exigentes y, sobretodo, envidiosos. David fue despedido de su trabajo por mantener relaciones sexuales en Brasil.No te pierdas su historia..... |
Comments | |
Gabyrasmus ::: Favorites jaja pobre tio. lo han despedido y de paso le pide un trabajo a Andreu. jaja 07-05-04 21:16:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
ripollete ::: Favorites El que hay detras de buenafuente es el mejor trompeta del mundo 07-07-12 03:56:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
scissorsSisters ::: Favorites AJJAJA lo fuerte es lo suyo... K cara tiene el tío, ¿pobre tío?anda y k le den 07-05-08 04:30:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
seone19785 ::: Favorites y el tio ese de atras, q pinta? xD 07-05-15 06:22:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
catamaja ::: Favorites q bueno ! lo mejor ...tenemos a tu jefe AKI !!JAJAJAJ ME ENCANTA BuenaFUENTEEE 07-05-16 00:31:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
Txeila ::: Favorites jajajajaja hay gente para todo xD 07-05-18 06:44:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
JaumaSissa ::: Favorites El tío ese de atrás, es un maestro de la trompeta que, entre llamada y llamada deleita a los sentidos con su delicadeza y profesionalidad musical. Primero tienes que ver el programa, y después preguntar quién es ''el tío ese''. 07-06-11 08:44:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
corosport ::: Favorites la gente aki tio salta por nada..trankilos todos chikos k pork no sepa kien es el trompeta no pasa nada...buenafuente la ostia, un saludo dsd pekin 07-08-05 10:48:11 _____________________________________________________ |