Monday, August 13, 2007

Eu 44

Duration: 19 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-08 23:12:08
User: eiesporte2007
:::: Favorites

Eu 44

完全娛樂060722 張棟樑 Gino 上演斷背愛Part3

Duration: 21 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-27 01:00:51
User: tszkin2004
:::: Favorites


Chris Matthews SLAPPED DOWN as he tries to bash Clintons

Duration: 312 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-13 15:32:23
User: boredjoewo
:::: Favorites

Chris Matthews really tries to bring up the but but but Clinton angle in this interview. He is slapped down by Hillary's consultant and Chris is too stupid to know that he looks stupid.

PigeonMan92 ::: Favorites
See? You dems have to insult people because you have no other way of expressing yourselves. I am quite confident that if Hillary is elected president it will be the end of freedom of religion in this country, not to mention the end of talk radio.
07-07-27 11:04:03
tpott ::: Favorites
an end to religious freedom? of course not. it would, of course, be a blow to relgious extremists who want to turn this country into a Christian theocracy.
07-07-28 14:54:47
rhpaulite ::: Favorites
RON PAUL 2008!!!
07-07-29 15:54:06
jenrob5 ::: Favorites
you seem to not notice that it is religious extremists who want to turn this country (and the rest of the world) into an islamic wasteland. what the christians want is to be able to keep our freedoms that formed and shaped this country from fledgling to powerhouse.
07-08-01 02:06:49
gruffi40 ::: Favorites
You do realize that their are christian religious extremists as well, don't you? Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell types would destroy this country just as effectively. Extremism is horrible no matter what side you are on.
07-08-01 08:43:19
jenrob5 ::: Favorites
I don't recall pat robertson or jerry falwell telling their followers to force non-believers to convert or die. While they do believe that it would be better for the entire country to believe as they do, they don't attempt or condone conversion by the sword. I would say that the "moral relativists" have done the worst damage to this country.
07-08-01 17:54:48
SlickExecutiveType ::: Favorites
07-08-07 20:14:46
mysticman07 ::: Favorites
hillary clinton only goes where the winds blown
07-08-12 12:19:36
rundoetx ::: Favorites
Vote Ron Paul!! Free Hugs From TX RundoeTX
07-08-12 17:38:16
dukeblue0524 ::: Favorites
Yah Ron Paul agrees with the Democrat policy, "A man who doesn't fight and runs away lives to run another day!"
07-08-12 23:28:37


Duration: 5 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-29 19:00:22
User: teabowbraine
:::: Favorites

If you ever wondered about where you get your morals from watch this. Could you PLEASE watch my ILLUMINATE SECRETS of RELIGION & EVOLUTION series Its very important. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE LIES YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD ABOUT THE WORLD. PLEASE ITS A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH FOR EVERY ONE ON EARTH.

Judelicious1971 ::: Favorites
I hate you. I was JUST about to kill my gran.
07-05-29 21:52:23
Trenholmes ::: Favorites
If you change your mind and kill her make sure you do as the indians and use every part of her. That's important.
07-05-29 23:26:07
nicanicamad ::: Favorites
07-05-30 02:41:32
JealousGuy ::: Favorites
Holy shit, GREAT FIND!!!
07-05-30 10:33:55
Redliwyaw ::: Favorites
lol good find =)
07-06-05 17:46:20
teabowbraine ::: Favorites
Thanks I subscribed to him a few weeks ago. He has some interesting videos
07-06-05 21:44:31
teabowbraine ::: Favorites
I must have a hater. who would rate this video 1 star. Im onto you hater lol
07-06-08 02:26:22
cda6590 ::: Favorites
No worries. I added this video to my favorites! Actually... it was simply an accident.
07-06-20 03:24:45
xXAkridXx ::: Favorites
I'm pretty stupid can you explain this?
07-08-06 01:05:02
teabowbraine ::: Favorites
im pointing to the link in the info : )
07-08-06 05:35:19
DC180 ::: Favorites
is this you teabowbraine? are you actually this guy?
07-08-11 14:46:21

超高速運転 -東小金井30分延通-

Duration: 546 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-02 10:06:24
User: chiba1218
:::: Favorites

東小金井 本当は通過する駅なんだけどわざと停止させて30分遅れで発車し190km/hで走行する特急電車

SCEI ::: Favorites
its beatifoul, great and thanks.
07-05-02 12:09:38
toshi0851 ::: Favorites
07-07-06 09:57:54

BB7 Do You Want To Know A Secret?

Duration: 95 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-30 14:49:01
User: TheRealDeal2006
:::: Favorites

Will & janelle

我要變成硬柿子 第二集 Part 2/5

Duration: 542 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-18 14:04:22
User: tszkin2004
:::: Favorites

CC-By Tszkin2004 請網速低過384kbps的朋友要稍等 本影片是以384kbps的速度製作的高清影片 製作質素參差的影片,本人絕不放上來 質素的要求最少讓觀賞者看得到、看得清楚

helenmelonn ::: Favorites
why does shi zi always wear PINK??
07-07-22 23:56:49

The Naked Truth part 12/12

Duration: 141 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-09 22:40:55
User: teabowbraine
:::: Favorites

Documentary by Jordan Maxwell - The Naked Truth. Find out where Religion originated from. And that Religious characters are just myths from ancient egypt. If you do your own research you will find it to be true. Im currently Researching and cant find any faults in this documentary. Jordan Maxwell Exposes The Illuminati Jordan Maxwell -Basic Slideshow Presentation (Hidden Symbols) Jordan Maxwell's website ALEX JONES: Jordan Maxwell Interview 11/29/05 ANCIENT STAR MAP PICTURES painted by Cavemen. Carbon dated to 16,000 years ago. The Painting is Programed into software that plots the night skies thousands of years ago. Further reading CousinoMacul supplied me with these Credible links Man and his Symbols The origins of Christianity Jesus began a mythical god and not an historic figure

batmn64 ::: Favorites
The similarity of religions only proves to me that there is only one god. You're willing to bet your soul there is not ???
07-07-13 14:15:52
teabowbraine ::: Favorites
religion was made up to control you. I only Denny religion. the soul is made up ! god is made up. they come from religion! the feelings you have are real. dont put a label on it. i am making a new video over the weekend to explain this. feel free to subscribe as i think you will have some interesting comments.
07-07-13 14:53:59
Brianj1234 ::: Favorites
There are, unfortunately, lots of holes in this documentary. They play fast and loose with the facts. For instance, Buddha is not what they portray him as. That was complete fiction. it's unfortunate that they took this direction because there are plenty of actual verifiable ways they could have shown the bible to be false. The 'entimology' of words like sun, son, ray they used really bugged me. This only works if English was the language spoken back then, whoch of course it wasn't.
07-07-13 21:33:18
MaxInfidelis ::: Favorites
The Biblical worldwide flood never happened. The earth is not 6,000 years old. There is no invisible magic man floating in the clouds. The earth was not made with magic. END OF STORY, religion is bullshit. Forget the play on words.
07-07-22 01:12:27
ricolae ::: Favorites
I just finished watching the video, this was the best thing I seen on the internet, I used to argue with religous people all the time now I have facts I can tell them. I'll be looking out for your new 'explaining' video, anyway thanks for the great post, PEACE!!
07-07-23 23:00:21
JemyM ::: Favorites
If you enjoyed this show I encourage you to also have a look at Bible Unearthed and "Who wrote the Bible?", both can be found on youtube.
07-07-27 14:42:59
teabowbraine ::: Favorites
thanks. have a look at the video im hosting on my channel.
07-07-27 15:21:00
kmeixner ::: Favorites
I agree with you on Buddhism, I am going to try to find out what source of information they got the "facts"(?) on Buddhism from. What they state is very different from the many books on Buddhism I've read. Buddhism is a very spiritual path and it's teachings are non-dogmatic, in fact they say the buddhist teachings are a tool like a raft to get across a river and those teachings themselves must be abandoned too for full enlightenment to be attained.
07-08-04 00:40:38
Brianj1234 ::: Favorites
Yep, they said something like Buddha is the alpha and omega, which is absurd. Chinese dont use the greek alphabet. Buddha is 'ocean of compassion' not the Judeo-Christian war god. lol
07-08-04 06:32:50
RoshTovAri ::: Favorites
07-08-12 17:13:18

開運萬事通20070713 我要變成硬柿子 Part5/5

Duration: 453 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-29 07:15:08
User: tszkin2004
:::: Favorites


Big News Ahead

Duration: 24 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-21 00:19:52
User: EmergencyCheese
:::: Favorites

In which I tease the audience with scant but scintillating hints regarding my upcoming announcement.

davidallgroup ::: Favorites
looking forward to it.
07-02-21 08:07:12
dinnerbydinner ::: Favorites
aaaah!! oh well i'm already subscribed
07-03-06 16:49:28

BB8 Creepy Big Brother Camera Man

Duration: 65 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-09 18:20:35
User: TheRealDeal2006
:::: Favorites

BB8 Creepy Big Brother Camera Man

120 Days=Many Lives Saved

Duration: 13 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-17 14:22:07
User: IraqSummer
:::: Favorites

Local DUCA member shares with Iraq Summer opinions of Castle's Recent Vote to not bring the troops home after 120 Days.


Duration: 62 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-26 14:12:28
User: eiesporte2007
:::: Favorites


BB7 The Six Million Dollar Beefcake - Episode Two

Duration: 140 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-08 03:03:05
User: TheRealDeal2006
:::: Favorites

"Maintaining Choppers" 7X02

Ask Mitt Anything ... unless it's about the war

Duration: 208 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-25 02:13:26
User: IraqSummer
:::: Favorites

Iowa Iraq Summer organizers talk to folks outside the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake... after being asked to leave the Ask Mitt Anything meeting

Advice for the CNN/YouTube Debate

Duration: 125 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-14 12:30:05
User: EmergencyCheese
:::: Favorites

My advice to the Democratic candidates for the upcoming CNN/YouTube Debate on July 23rd. Submit your questions to

chaostherie ::: Favorites
Hey James, Maybe you can answer this for me.... Why is it that ONly RUDY? is being spotlight(en) on youtube??? I really love the sytle of youtube being the most open and fair and blanaced media source. But this spotlight only on rudy really is troublesum.... Is it a advertisment issue that only rudy is paying for? Does youtube really like rudy?
07-07-23 22:17:09
popcan19 ::: Favorites
Yea I can almost see the strings on the Rudy's Video. Who is filtering Rudy's Comments? LoL You Tube is going the way of the Mainstream Media BS.
07-07-24 05:29:11
AMERSIDD ::: Favorites
lets vote for bush fuck over the world! am writing a letter to him to thank him accomplish the oil mission and all the dead! CNN will help cover up the truth!
07-07-28 11:31:32
HatTricksInc ::: Favorites
You get 5 STARS for putting the candidates in Alphabetically order vs. in an order obviously biased based on how well candidates are known already. Isn't the point of the campaign and debates to get to know the candidates? Then why are we focusing more on the candidates we already know and less on those that we don't know? Seems backwards to me. At minimum the candidates should be given an equal number of questions and rebuttels...
07-07-28 12:20:34
HatTricksInc ::: Favorites
That along with equal coverage in related articles in the Newspapers and the nightly News. I thought this was a democracy. I guess some people's free speech is GREATER than others. The Media should take some pointers from The Internet: The People's Media. The Equality part, not the Junk part. The Media already does that part fairly well anyhow.
07-07-28 12:22:02
SicLuceatLux2 ::: Favorites
Folks, here is what Hillary Clinton (and the DNC) hopes no one will find before the Nov 2008 elections! The following is from our Congressional Record for May 19, 1998. [you'll read that since 90 Chinese agents fled the country, they couldn't vote to prosecute Hillary and Bill for their Chinagate treason -but the facts remain! ] Google: "SENSE OF CONGRESS THAT COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT REFORM AND OVERSIGHT SHOULD CONFER IMMUNITY CONCERNING ILLEGAL FOREIGN FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES"
07-07-31 22:14:33
SicLuceatLux2 ::: Favorites
Pop, read about 'whisperin' Hillary and all those *Communist Chinese Agents* who were repeatedly in the Clinton White House. (there was never a chinagate trial for both Clintons because all 115 Chinese agents -hurriedly fled the country: Google "Clinton National Security Scandal and Coverup" "THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY- how decades of clinton double-dealing compromised our national security" "Downside Legacy at two degrees of Bill Clinton" click "High Treason" - 'Time Lines'
07-07-31 22:15:15
SicLuceatLux2 ::: Favorites
1998 - 90 Chinese agents had been identified but by 2000, this list grew to 115 and all had fled hurriedly fled the country!
07-08-01 02:32:14
SicLuceatLux2 ::: Favorites
YouTube readers, in shelbinatorTV's YouTube/cnn video this morning Sat, Aug. 4th "Rudy Drops the Call" -shel and I are discussing chinagate/after I posted on his thread -direct quotes from our U S Cong. Record - shel has called me a "conspiracy theorist" ...and insinuates he might delete my important posts about Hillary/ Chinagate! Look up shel's video here this morning folks (shel, I remind you: "...the whole world's watching")
07-08-04 11:59:06
SicLuceatLux2 ::: Favorites
Folks, after you read my post (below)- concerning all the Chinese agents Hillary & Bill invited into the White House, you might ask - why hasn't Bush done something about Chinagate. The answer is that since all the chinese agents fled the counrty - there could never be a treason trail for both Clintons. And of course, abc, nbc, cbs, cnn have never discussed Sen Inhofe's Chinagate speech: "Clinton National Security Scandal and Coverup"
07-08-08 03:16:28

電車でGO!FINAL 山手線編 大崎→品川 - DENSHA DE GO FINAL Yamanote Line

Duration: 217 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 09:16:14
User: chiba1218
:::: Favorites

電車でGO!FINAL 山手線編の大崎→品川です

Battle At Burger King

Duration: 369 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-23 16:44:22
User: zakgeorge21
:::: Favorites

I attempt to resolve a disputed order.

zakgeorge21 ::: Favorites
myloveispure said: "haha ur a lebo??over here in australia lebos are the mintories...they are sterotypical trouble makers who have one likes em here in australia trust me...but u dont look lebo, says ur voice and hair!!" That's the problem with stereotypes. Zak
07-02-28 16:07:12
kmacevoy ::: Favorites
I like watching your videos...they are unique! Make some more...
07-03-04 01:14:06
DrkOne633 ::: Favorites
07-03-04 23:25:41
Internetboy7000 ::: Favorites
holy fuck man... big deal, wrong order :\ I just can't believe you went through that just for a whopper.
07-03-08 02:41:56
sweenstress ::: Favorites
Stereotypes: yep, let's generalise about Australians...we could say some interesting things about Australians and their xenophobic behaviour...go and get back in your hole "myloveispure"
07-03-09 03:46:02
newtnMike ::: Favorites
You pay your power bill in person!? I love that. Stay tuned for a vid from Kelso the Wonder Dog A 2yo boarder collie. He's a perfectionist though.
07-03-14 21:12:51
SabesGirl ::: Favorites
Cheesy tots? Rotfl!
07-03-28 11:35:27
rootism ::: Favorites
07-04-01 01:30:57
AMYRACHEL04 ::: Favorites
what were you doing at the show?
07-05-11 03:16:24
hend6475 ::: Favorites
"I got to talk with this really pleasant lady named jennifer on the telephone" LMAO!
07-05-11 23:04:43


Duration: 78 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-22 17:11:02
User: chiba1218
:::: Favorites

That`s the intro of Densha de Go! Professional (SLPM-65661) by Taito for Windows (more)


Duration: 16 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-02 14:55:57
User: eiesporte2007
:::: Favorites


我要變成硬柿子 第十五集 90分鐘特別加長版 Part 6/10

Duration: 551 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 23:15:43
User: tszkin2004
:::: Favorites

我要變成硬柿子平時改在週一至週五於華視十點檔播出 在8月3日和8月10日這兩天的星期五會特別播放兩小時的版本喔(90分鐘)!!! 8月10日大結局咯!多多留言!!! 在此答謝各位一直以後的支持 請多個言,謝謝 一直以來有人跟我抱怨速度太慢及分了很多段 如果將檔案的大小壓下去 只會造成畫質變差 全螢幕下的幾乎看不到,如土豆網上的版本 YouTube是白紙黑字、明文規定 一段影片最多只可十分鐘 所以每十分鐘一剪 不會再解答,謝謝 CC-By Tszkin2004

sogood ::: Favorites
so cool two guy fight one girl
07-08-04 01:25:05
KCfan1314 ::: Favorites
謝謝你 ! 辛苦 la :D &hearts; 你
07-08-04 14:15:44

電車でGO! PRO1 京都線新快速153系

Duration: 181 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 05:16:58
User: chiba1218
:::: Favorites

京都線特別車両の新快速153系です。新大阪~大阪までのプレイです。(Kyoto line is 153 new high speed system of the vehicle especially. It is a play to Shin-Osaka - Osaka.)

Nobody likes you.

Duration: 383 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-27 06:55:55
User: charlieissocoollike
:::: Favorites

Go and eat worms.

janetplaysguitar ::: Favorites
good to know more about you
07-08-05 01:27:55
LubbyLooLaa ::: Favorites
Drama Queen or what? haha lawl.
07-08-06 00:18:45
iPlaYwithFiRe345 ::: Favorites
nioce eyes u sexi beast
07-08-06 05:02:20
jaynesunny ::: Favorites
i enjoy how attached the guy is to the dog :)
07-08-06 11:31:59
YesMapRadio ::: Favorites
07-08-08 10:32:17
mocosafea ::: Favorites
Dude your house is so nice...can I move in with ya?
07-08-08 13:36:37
clouds555 ::: Favorites
ur friends kinda half glass empty, inn'e?
07-08-09 01:26:00
Dobbbers ::: Favorites
for fuck sake stop putting videos of people on this u can see they r fed up with for fuck sake!!!!
07-08-09 20:54:50
Cheesy666Rage ::: Favorites
.....STFU protard... lawl dancing dog omfg. and then ms lips and... uhh... what was it seargeant teeth?
07-08-10 12:07:44
ghbfjhg ::: Favorites
Ok charlie and sam IT'S TIME YOU HAD INSPERATION! Go and search for... JAKESEAGLES123 and click on the video called: me being crazy! THERE
07-08-12 13:09:44

Presentacion Andres Guardado

Duration: 65 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-24 17:44:20
User: edenyou
:::: Favorites

la presentacion de andres en riazor