Sunday, August 5, 2007

Luntz: Romney The Winner

Duration: 144 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-06 09:10:45
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Luntz: Romney The Winner

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TKOtonite ::: Favorites
Hey TKO'd, who said anything about primaries in the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, etc? you did retard!
07-08-03 15:07:12
TKOtonite ::: Favorites
So says you loser. And where's your candidate stand tonight? What? No more Pon Raul "he raised more funds from the military" hype? LOL, Mitt outraised him in every US state and province. Pon Raul is a non-candidate, and you are a non-contestant in any war of wit. a US Province? Province in the USA??? Just where the F_U_C_K are you from, enterPortaJohn???? FRANCE??? perhaps Monsieur?
07-08-03 15:11:58
FormerMALiberal ::: Favorites
TKOtonite.. no offense, but you're a dirty bigot, and you know what they say about bigots (they are dumb as fuck). Examples of stupid ass bigots: backwater KKK members, Hitler, Mormon bashing TKOtonite. Congratulations bigot boy!
07-08-03 15:13:12
TKOtonite ::: Favorites
Th Romulins are big on this Freudian projection crap. I guess when the facts run against you You then bang on the table. Folks just go to Google Images. bring up a pic of Mitt Romney and then one of Rock Hudson circa 1965. Thats Mitt's role model.
07-08-03 15:21:13
entreprenosis ::: Favorites
So here's TKO'd still "spamming on" like a loser. He wussed out on me yesterday, yet keeps running his mouth afterward. Hey where's my PM with your contact information loser?? Giving me a blind address doesn't cut it, especially when the post office reports "The Address you entered does not match U.S. Postal Service records." Nice try you wannabe murderer, didn't you think I'd check this out? LOL.
07-08-03 15:50:05
entreprenosis ::: Favorites
Get this, last night TKO'd threatened to kill Mitt Romney! Talk about a psycho Pon Raul supporter. Our wussboy claims that he is or was a Marine. Hopefully he's lying about this because he's a whacked nut who sits on his ass all day with nothing to do but bash all real political candidates, while attacking their religion and threatening to kill them. Really, can you get anymore anti-American than this? No wonder he's always mentioning France.
07-08-03 16:39:23
entreprenosis ::: Favorites
Hey wussboy, where's my PM with your real contact info?? We both know who wears the pants in your family, don't we;)
07-08-03 17:27:04
entreprenosis ::: Favorites
An article in National Review: h t t p: //w w w. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/02/AR2007080202024. html?hpid=opinionsbox1 "He possesses a winning public personality, enough personal wealth to ensure that he will be around when the voting starts and durable strength in Iowa and New Hampshire that could slingshot him to the nomination. As the author of an impressive oxymoron -- Republican governor of Massachusetts -- Romney stakes a strong claim to electability."
07-08-03 22:48:20
TKOtonite ::: Favorites
I'll give you a "PM" MR. NO SHOW. When you talk to me Mr. NO Show, Mr. LOG CABIN RINO, try taking your botfriend's Romney's cock out of your mouth.
07-08-04 13:36:01
TKOtonite ::: Favorites
Just call him: ROCK HUDSON ROMNEY aka_M_A_T_I_N_E_E__M_I_T_T
07-08-04 13:41:19

Jimmy Kimmel - Billy Packer says Charlie Rose is fagging out

Duration: 42 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-03 15:42:45
User: visiontellie2
:::: Favorites

Billy Packer accuses Charlie Rose of fagging out on him Jimmy Kimmel Live

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perry1236 ::: Favorites
LMAO that Shit is Funny
07-04-16 20:29:14
xoILuvBamVillexo ::: Favorites
07-04-18 16:59:33
thefatschizo ::: Favorites
You should all be fagged out for arguing about this so much.
07-04-24 15:54:34
silental ::: Favorites
He said "fag". Ain't nothing wrong with it. It's not as if he said a more hate charged word like "nigger" or "kike". Now, that would be a cause for concern, not this.
07-04-24 19:21:25
Daemonocracy ::: Favorites
why is it that comedians like kimmel who objectified women early in their careers to get their names known, seem hypersensitive to supposed homophobic comments? interesting.
07-04-25 13:30:39
noffius ::: Favorites
Obviously Rose's reaction tells us that he understood Packer's comment to mean weariness. Both these men have lived a longer lives than either of us. Neither has a history of making homophobic slurs. Give Packer the benefit of the doubt. I'll admit the usage of the word is new to me. But it would be stubborn to insist everyone else conform to my understanding of the word. Humble yourself & take advantage of the opportunity to learn something new.
07-04-25 22:03:57
jordinho13 ::: Favorites
It's no big deal, but people do this all the time. They use words like "niggler" just so when someone who doesn't bother to look it up complains about it, they can take out their dictionary and point to that entry. It's unnecessary. I'm sure he's been waiting 4 years to use "fagging out" in a sentence.
07-04-26 16:16:41
speier ::: Favorites
yeah! you tell 'em billy-joe-yokel!
07-04-30 23:25:39
77bogart ::: Favorites
Daemonocracy, good point. Also, The Man Show was chauvinistic, trashy, and lame, with a bunch of bafoons in the audience. Being turned on by a hot woman is one thing, but a half hour show with men acting like morons at the sight of one is just stupid.
07-05-14 12:12:38
mariannacutewomand ::: Favorites
20 year old hotties ready to date adults like you at WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-07-29 08:49:05

FOX: Gov. Romney On The 3 Legged Stool

Duration: 77 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-10 22:02:04
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

FOX: Gov. Mitt Romney On The 3 Legged Stool

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red5llaw ::: Favorites
Nope, you be wrong. I'm not from Mass. when you refer to continental morals and sensibilities are you talking "EuroPeon", or Continental US? I live in a border, coastal state.
07-07-22 06:33:05
benthead ::: Favorites
"EuroPeon" or "Continental US" ? - you must be from Texas.
07-07-22 12:41:29
red5llaw ::: Favorites
Oh, you are one of those Democrazy, liberal, politically correct, sensative new age guys that is in touch with your feminine side... No I'm not form the Lone Star State.
07-07-23 04:53:40
benthead ::: Favorites
Maine ? Sir, my type has been around since before Julius Ceasar. I am married to a woman. Your John Wayne mentality is that of a threatened american male
07-07-23 13:29:39
red5llaw ::: Favorites
Your type? whats that? Congratulations on being married to a woman. John Wayne Mentality, I thank you & chose to take that as a Compliment. As for threatened Americian Male, I'm not not how you mean it, but yes there ARE a lot of threats to the U.S.- Jihadists, China, Democrazies, Politically Correct Buffoons, Corrupt Politicians, maybe even Gray Aliens for all I know!
07-07-23 21:38:07
benthead ::: Favorites
Now these are all things that we can agree about. I hope you have a pleasant July 24th 2007. Good Day Benthead
07-07-23 23:59:24
red5llaw ::: Favorites
Thanks benthead, same to you man. Have a great one.
07-07-24 01:07:12
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average person about Mitt Romney. Check out my videos on why I like Mitt, what his policies are, and why I think he views are good for the country! Just click on my username to check them out!
07-07-26 16:16:25
plc1 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul vs. Romney on Youtube: youtube . com/watch?v=V3Hah8jx-Vo
07-07-29 21:02:17
tissuesrgood ::: Favorites
What does a Democratic party stool look like?
07-08-02 20:44:40

Zach Braff's Apocalypto

Duration: 63 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-12 16:11:07
User: bestweekevertv
:::: Favorites

Another touching coming of age flick from Braff that shows us the true nature of growing up Mayan

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bambyzn ::: Favorites
07-05-25 01:09:42
NoemiRacz ::: Favorites
The first 20 seconds are funny. The rest is nonsense. Anyway, Zach rules! ;-)
07-05-29 08:42:28
shennydenny ::: Favorites
I haven't seen Apocalypto yet so I am sure I'm missing a lot of the joke but it was cute anyway.
07-06-05 10:02:32
manonfireisburning ::: Favorites
I don't know why but that shit was hilarious
07-06-07 23:23:53
adhs22 ::: Favorites
hahahhaaha.... apocalypto was/is shit compared to mighty doctor dorian!... go barbie
07-06-12 03:30:28
TP1988 ::: Favorites
Hahaha, I would watch that film!
07-06-14 10:33:10
MrBoum ::: Favorites
HAHA!!! Fuckin funny!
07-06-20 16:05:58
bulletproofdunc ::: Favorites
why? why why why why why why WHY??? this != funny.
07-06-24 12:04:36
LikeInMyDream ::: Favorites
ha ha! that is clever :D xxxx
07-07-19 13:49:32
connybigbabezw ::: Favorites
check out DAYFLING dot COM to find a date today!
07-07-30 03:09:09

Jimmy Kimmel's Monologue - Thursday - 8-2-07

Duration: 583 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 10:17:36
User: visiontellie2
:::: Favorites

Jimmy Kimmel's Monologue - Thursday - 8-2-07 Uncle Frank at Dodger Stadium Elton John Chupacabra OJ Simpson

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Gipsyfly ::: Favorites
Aaah, I love this show!!! ironic that we're watching this on YouTube, eh? lol
07-08-03 12:37:34
d1mf1n ::: Favorites
guess so
07-08-03 19:44:17
raspberrymuffin ::: Favorites
Oh millions of people are going to give-up their jobs just so Elton could have his way. :P
07-08-03 19:50:57
nhlalwenhlezondo ::: Favorites
the slang update is gold, lawls.
07-08-03 21:45:35
Boobalopbop ::: Favorites
I'm awesome because I'm black and I refused to even start saying bling. And now they use it on HSN for christs sake
07-08-04 04:05:58
Mayenife ::: Favorites
Where can I find the video of the guy singing elton john? Kinda funny
07-08-04 05:57:55

遊戯王 洗脳された城之内君

Duration: 188 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-31 13:04:20
User: sinhirsz
:::: Favorites

遊戯王 洗脳された城之内君

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nohira1242 ::: Favorites
07-07-01 04:52:23
fushigiusagi ::: Favorites
OMG Σ>――|li(゜Д゜:;)il|―
07-07-07 22:10:55
kamikaze3150 ::: Favorites
もげ! モゲ!ww フォルゴレww
07-07-09 10:21:20
LoZmaster3000 ::: Favorites
What the hell?
07-07-10 14:08:53
Hoshiakari ::: Favorites
it's a song about groping breast XD;... sang by his seiyuu for another series he stopped singing because rebecca obviously lacks -something- *cough*
07-07-14 00:50:52
1rebdwtjoey ::: Favorites
07-07-14 13:13:06
Mageychan ::: Favorites
Ahahahaha! I can't stop watchign this song... it also has -cough- Yugi confessing his undying love for Jou-kun. Not really; he just said, Jounichi-kun, daisuki. Which means, Joey, I really like you/love you.
07-07-15 18:59:24
yyttbb335142 ::: Favorites
07-07-16 02:34:18
dc2sakai ::: Favorites
07-07-31 10:59:16
Sinoshao ::: Favorites
07-08-01 08:58:41

Renato Russo - Jô Soares

Duration: 362 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-19 14:09:45
User: adrianojeger
:::: Favorites

Entrevista ao jô... INÉDITO :D

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Stiefel555 ::: Favorites
Eu sou mulher, legiotário.
07-07-16 10:56:38
etakashi ::: Favorites
td bem.mulher?????legiotario???
07-07-16 11:28:31
mrozkowski ::: Favorites
Existe continuação da entrevista?
07-07-19 22:32:31
brutalyouth ::: Favorites
ele morreu d aids... =/ bt feh q n foram drogas, e sim sexo sem proteção... =// FODA
07-07-20 15:40:31
murillenhu ::: Favorites
ninguem morre de aids ... brutalyouth
07-07-24 15:29:47
brunalegionaria ::: Favorites
Aff, Ele morreu de Aids! "Devido a complicação decorrida da Aids; Infecção pulmonar,faleceu dia 11 de outubro as 1:55 da madrugada.." Eu amo Renato Russo.. *-*
07-07-24 18:57:08
gsfogo ::: Favorites
muito bom!
07-07-28 14:31:13
ellisoftballbabeky ::: Favorites
Want more hot women? check out strictlyhotties dot com
07-07-30 20:37:07
leojuniorjatai ::: Favorites
07-08-01 15:24:51
bomgadamata ::: Favorites
Pô, muito legal, tava esperando isso no YouTube há muito tempo, mas cadê o resto da entrevista???
07-08-04 18:35:05

Vovô da pipa

Duration: 90 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-11 22:29:18
User: adrianojeger
:::: Favorites

Vovô da pipa em sua corrida matinal! IAUEEAIUEAhiEaE

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galhurmestranho ::: Favorites
grande vo da pipa tah em boa forma mais sera q a pipa do vovo ainda sobe? :P
06-10-12 22:22:30
kbleira ::: Favorites
fodastico o video teram mais videos da serie breve...
06-10-14 03:52:13

Family Guy -Santa [Rate This...!!]

Duration: 7 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-01 14:25:50
User: satmerchant
:::: Favorites

Pls visitme

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mrtvman ::: Favorites
07-08-01 17:32:50

Singing Tesla Coil at Duckon 2007 [Rate This..!!]

Duration: 162 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-01 20:12:42
User: satmerchant
:::: Favorites

Pls Visit me

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Governor Romney Making Savings Tax Free

Duration: 22 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-03 21:17:01
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Governor Romney Making Savings Tax Free

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cmartel2 ::: Favorites
Why are we arguing over religious issues when Romney's on the stage arguing for tax-free capital gains and dividends? This is a great way to encourage American investment in American corporations, and more than that, it's a way to encourage savings in this country. We do that to an extent with the ROTH IRA, but I think it's wise to continue down this road.
07-05-05 04:27:29
socal3377 ::: Favorites
I am a Mormon. Mitt Romney is a good speaker because he is very intelligent but also in the Mormon church everbody participates and speaks. Mormons get up in front of the congregation to say prayrs and give their testimony at a very young age. Mormons are usually very good public speakers.
07-05-05 06:13:50
socal3377 ::: Favorites
I am a Mormon. Mitt Romney is a good speaker because he is very intelligent but also in the Mormon church everbody participates and speaks. Mormons get up in front of the congregation to say prayrs and give their testimony starting at a very young age. Mormons are usually very good public speakers.
07-05-05 06:15:39
PomonaVR4 ::: Favorites
Yes, Morman's are great public speakers. I'm not a morman, but I've had friends who are. I've also a Morman Bible in my house from a missionary. They are very socialable & know people deep. Yes, I have unshakable faith in HIM! GOD IS GREATEST!
07-05-05 17:29:06
politicsmaninacan ::: Favorites
Romney is truly a great man!
07-05-06 18:32:26
franksolutions ::: Favorites
Thank you, Mitt for endorsing my Solution sent to you when you were Governor on zero taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains. This solution was sent by me to all Governors, U.S. Senators, The President, and around 150 U.S. Representatives. Only I recommended it for all. Other proven solutions on franklinlacy franksolutions
07-05-11 18:43:13
Gospellightz ::: Favorites
His ideas are the best, his enthusiasm is contageous, his motives are honorable, his presence is presidential, his brain is 'top drawer' intelligence!...Vote for Mitt in 2008!
07-05-12 03:34:06
Yairio ::: Favorites
Economically, I think Newt blows him away.
07-05-30 01:28:26
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average, everyday person. See my video, Mitt Romney for President 2008!!! Just click on my user name.
07-07-20 02:57:58
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average person about Mitt Romney. Check out my videos on why I like Mitt, what his policies are, and why I think he views are good for the country! Just click on my username to check them out!
07-07-26 18:59:07

Paris Hilton: Veatrice Prison Beauty Tips #1 - Jimmy Kimmel

Duration: 30 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-06 10:18:59
User: visiontellie2
:::: Favorites

Paris Hilton: Veatrice Prison Beauty Tips #1 - Jimmy Kimmel

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nhlalwenhlezondo ::: Favorites
oh my Veatrice, lawls.
07-06-07 12:02:58

Mc Jeremias

Duration: 157 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-03 17:30:03
User: adrianojeger
:::: Favorites

Funk do Jeremias

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alevique ::: Favorites
PQp... Tô rindo pra caralho...
07-01-31 13:23:31
waleriamaiaa ::: Favorites
07-02-04 18:42:25
CJDARSF ::: Favorites
07-02-16 11:25:49
CJDARSF ::: Favorites
07-02-16 14:59:19
CJDARSF ::: Favorites
07-02-16 15:02:49
hiramatsu2500 ::: Favorites
que porqueria de brasileño
07-03-07 03:45:28
CJDARSF ::: Favorites
07-03-15 14:28:30
stealth4 ::: Favorites
xDDDDDDDD viva el jeremias xDDDDDDDDDD
07-06-20 11:55:36
lbsp2 ::: Favorites
ahuaqhuahaua muito loko esse jeremias
07-07-04 15:24:42
rossi979 ::: Favorites
ej je je jej
07-07-09 02:55:16

WC u20: Jordan - Zambia (

Duration: 129 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-01 23:27:03
User: Wakefieldsel
:::: Favorites

Free live football by Internet TV:

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mhaddadi ::: Favorites
WTF why was the penalty?
07-07-02 11:01:11
yannickjo ::: Favorites
He diverted the ball from the direction of the goal! brgzz
07-07-05 03:19:58
kiggajohn ::: Favorites
how iz that a foul??
07-07-08 23:16:29
yannickjo ::: Favorites
If you're not the goalkeeper weather it is intentional or not when the ball, that is going tawards the goal, hits the hand of the defending team it is always penalty! [there is an excepcion - when the referee is paid for] LoL brugazz
07-08-04 14:42:05
kiggajohn ::: Favorites
no but if your handz are at your side or against your chest and the ball hits your hands or arms then it's not a handball
07-08-04 19:48:36
xBella11x ::: Favorites
his arm was down by his side. plus,since zambia got a penalty for it, it should have olnly been a yellow card.
07-07-12 19:44:39

Hilary Swank on Jimmy Kimmel Live 4-3-07 pt1

Duration: 347 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-04 11:37:53
User: visiontellie2
:::: Favorites

Hilary Swank on Jimmy Kimmel Live 4-3-07 pt1

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lenee83 ::: Favorites
Her Voice is so manly... But she is very attractive.
07-04-29 17:26:40
acrscorp ::: Favorites
dam fuck she is hot she has the best legs
07-04-30 19:33:12
DuffBeer421 ::: Favorites
damn! she is fucking smoking hot
07-05-15 07:16:57
Bubbajomama ::: Favorites
Nice legs and ass on her. Love to dick all 3 of her holes.
07-06-04 12:57:43
sabera949 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Try 'CAMZNOW DOT COM' for wild girls
07-06-27 10:48:04
andre3787 ::: Favorites
jimmy is wearing a nice suit
07-07-26 04:41:15
dowling1981 ::: Favorites
How romantic, Bubbajomama
07-07-30 09:02:22
Bubbajomama ::: Favorites
and tongue all 3 of her holes. That's more romantic....
07-07-31 22:29:37
dowling1981 ::: Favorites
Have you ever just spoken to a woman? lol
07-08-02 16:05:20
giorgiahugewifexk ::: Favorites
The TOP webcam dating site at CAMAZONDATING dot COM
07-08-03 10:07:01

Nick Lachey on Jimmy Kimmel Live 7-10-07 pt1

Duration: 328 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-11 11:08:57
User: visiontellie2
:::: Favorites

Nick Lachey on Jimmy Kimmel Live 7-10-07 pt1

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Boobalopbop ::: Favorites
Is Lachey ever gonna get a new haircut. Hes had the same haircut since 98 degrees... pretty tired now
07-07-11 12:09:27
dlp711 ::: Favorites
It's not the same at all. And he is HOT!
07-07-11 17:53:06
BUTTONBICHON ::: Favorites
love nick so glad he got rid or retarded jessica! vanessa manillo is hot but weird anyone friends with lindsay lohan! think it's rude that he wouldn't say he was in love with vanessa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-07-11 21:37:35
sylantra ::: Favorites
ok its obvious he doesnt love vanessa...i remember when he was still with jess he would always say and admit he loves her like crazy...this isnt love!!!
07-07-12 01:43:10
ninous ::: Favorites
i think him and vanessa loook cute than jess and nick, and she just dont seem to like the limelight like jessica did, cuz shes not a big celeb like her.
07-07-15 16:23:14
dustyhotcuteyw ::: Favorites
Visit PHOTOSNAG dot COM for hotter stuff
07-07-20 14:08:12