Duration: 03:38 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-16 11:52:24 User: HitNail :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Iraq bush war funny military soldier army company battery field artillery motivational bravo 1/94 MLRS Germany
Description: I made this for my battery afeter a deployment to Romania. PS: dont be pissed that we dont blow stuff up in this one, I know that we are field artillery but we where acting as an infantry company. |
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
B 1/94 Field Artillery
Duration: 03:30 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-23 09:45:41 User: Joelsanchez :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: frecuenzy |
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Eldeuterion ::: Favorites 2007-11-06 14:18:46 Al protagonista le faltan luces. Tu no sera el hijoputa ese, no?!! __________________________________________________ | |
Highwindchan ::: Favorites 2007-08-23 12:15:22 Buah,buah,buah,vamos a conquistar la red a este paso.Lo mejor es cuando Dani mira a la cámara después de no se cuantas tomas y dice "Si,soy Maiquel"(no,no es un error,no es Michael,es MaiquelxDD). P.D.: Zi zoy Maiquel. __________________________________________________ |
Nuri Alço ve Emrah - Baba Yarısı 3 (Ayrılamam)
Duration: 04:52 minutes Upload Time: 2007-03-19 03:53:22 User: emrahnaro :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Emrah amcasından ilk madiğini, tezgahlanan sahte ortaklığın patlamasıyla yiyecektir. Sahte ortağın amcasıyla ilgili onca imasına rağmen, Emrah, kendisini sarı bornozla karşılayan amcasına hala "aman amca belaya bulaşma" tarzında yaklaşmaktadır. Oysa "bekar adamın" içerideki misafiri bizim zavallının anasından başkası değildir. Emrah amcasına yaptığı "Keyfine bak sen" şeklindeki babacan yaklaşımla, sanatının doruğuna tırmanmakta ve ünvanını sonuna kadar hakettiğini bir kez daha bizlere ispatlamaktadır. |
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sercann8 ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 14:44:43 watch?v=OnDiLOBlyt8 yazın ve dinleyin Yüzyılın en damar en kahredici arabeski bu...İddasına bile girmeye hazırım Efsane olacak bir ses Sefa Güneş'in DAVACIYIM eserini dinleyin ve karar verin __________________________________________________ | |
mrtyltrkl ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 09:08:16 nuri abi 1 numara heyt bea saçına sokam emi ehehehe __________________________________________________ | |
mehmetarici007 ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 08:34:09 bu pıc emrahın da butun fılmlerde anası ya bacsı yada sevgılısı oruspu bu fılmlerı yapan yonetmenı ters cevırıp sıkmek lazım ne bu kardesım herhalde bır fantazısı var onlarla ılgılı...ne bu emrahtan ıstedıgı...sımdı sıra sende emrah bastır aslanımmmmmmm.hahahhahahahahhahahahah __________________________________________________ | |
zheld ::: Favorites 2008-01-06 18:44:41 nadam viskiyi şişeyle götürüo ohaa laö __________________________________________________ | |
romeoz035 ::: Favorites 2008-01-05 13:44:45 şu suratla az bile sikmişler bunu.. bunları meshur ediyor millet __________________________________________________ | |
gamaaaa ::: Favorites 2008-01-05 12:17:54 güle güle yeğenimm puhaha :) __________________________________________________ | |
playboycnx1 ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 12:17:54 lan bu Nuri ALÇO da tam mnyakk ya __________________________________________________ | |
forumshell ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 17:54:27 yha amq film altı üstü bokunu çıkarttınız. __________________________________________________ | |
lokumgirl1 ::: Favorites 2007-12-29 14:21:57 lan götler sizde para icin kendi ananizi siktirirdiniz adama yüklenmeyinn.... tamami uleeennnn __________________________________________________ | |
anil3535 ::: Favorites 2007-12-28 06:51:41 yazık amk bu küçük emraha :D bu çileler bu dertler ancak ; nuri baba emrahıda sikince biter.... :D __________________________________________________ | |
metan24 ::: Favorites 2007-12-27 18:00:43 keyfine bak ben yabancimiyim diyor...,len emrah bilseydin bir gün internet yayilacak youtube cikacak ve buradada teshir olacaksin..,bak nasil sikiyolar anani..,bide gecen birine dava acmis,hangi cocugu orospu cocugu davasi!duyanlar vardir,sen git anani siktir sonrada kalk dava ac ismi lan bu kavat? __________________________________________________ | |
yilman66 ::: Favorites 2007-12-25 18:37:59 ya youtube emrahin acilarin cocugu filimi niye yok __________________________________________________ | |
aktasoz123 ::: Favorites 2007-12-25 14:48:34 emrah delı kanlı adam laf yok adam ne yapsın nurı ıpnesıde uyanık emrah bı yakalasa o yatakta nurıyı ne yapar bılmem __________________________________________________ | |
oguzhanmarmara ::: Favorites 2007-12-23 19:29:01 emraaahhh yetişşş ananı sikolarrr __________________________________________________ | |
aytafa ::: Favorites 2007-12-22 12:14:18 ofsss neydi be __________________________________________________ |
Deutsche Hymne
Duration: 00:37 minutes Upload Time: 2006-10-05 15:02:11 User: Sinan97082 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Deutsche Nationalhymne national hymne sinan sinano zellerau deutsch türkisch turkish türk kanack ausländer migrant
Description: Warum dieses video? 1. Politiker hatten die -merkwürdige- idee die Deutsche Nationalhymne auf türkisch zu veröffentlichen ZIEL: Bessere Integration der Türken! MEINUNG: SEHR DUMM DIE IDEE. Das Video soll zeigen wie dumm sie ist. SO INTEGRIERT SICH NIEMAND, und mit irgendwelchen scheindiskussionen und debatten erreicht man genau so viel, wie george bush im OSTEN. Danke! Und wir brauchen bei den kommentaren nicht ausfällig werden. Cya |
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Deeskalator ::: Favorites 2007-12-30 15:59:15 Das mit der Hymne ist weniger schlimm als das, was du mit deinem Channel veransteltest. Ehrlich. __________________________________________________ | |
SELAMULLAH ::: Favorites 2007-12-26 18:18:27 Echt jungs hört auf mit dieser scheiße. Was macht ihr euch den lustig über die deutsche nationalhymne? Wie wir uns andersrum aufregen würden, finden es auch so einige deutsche auch nicht witzig. Wir sind immerhin hier in derem land. Also müssen wir auch lernen uns zu benehmen. __________________________________________________ | |
Sinan97082 ::: Favorites 2007-12-26 09:37:27 oh man oh man oh man, LEST DOCH BITTE MAL VORHER DIE INFO.. bzw. ICH GLAUBE ICH SOLLTE VORHER EIN INTRO MACHEN DAMIT JEDER CHECKT WIESO UND WESHALB ICH DIESES VIDEO GEMACHT HABE.. __________________________________________________ | |
realchaser ::: Favorites 2007-12-25 16:52:09 Ein Deutscher sollte mal die Türkische Nationalhymne so verunstrallten !! Was meint ihr was dann los wäre 198 __________________________________________________ | |
Sinan97082 ::: Favorites 2007-12-19 16:22:53 nene.. ist nur kohlensäurehaltiges wasser im glas ;) (ja ich weiß ich kann nicht singen) hoffe aber das du wenigstens die infor rechts im kasten gelesen hast ;) __________________________________________________ | |
SouLsiSteRs7 ::: Favorites 2007-12-19 08:10:00 ey bist du da dicht gewesen?? by alba __________________________________________________ | |
Sinan97082 ::: Favorites 2007-12-12 14:38:17 aje dann will ich gar nicht wissen was du für schwuchteln kennst. (und deine antwort wird wahrscheinlich: "nur türkenschwuchteln" sein von daher ...)und das sagt jemand der sich haschhexe nennt und videos wie "Smacking the shit out of the Koran" ALS FAVORITEN SPEICHERT! pff... haja was soll man machen, solche gibts auch! __________________________________________________ | |
haschhexe ::: Favorites 2007-12-11 16:18:35 du türkenschwuchtel siehst aber wirklich ein wenig schwul aus in dem Video oO __________________________________________________ | |
Sinan97082 ::: Favorites 2007-12-09 19:00:13 oooooh applause applause, now u are soooo tough yeah u have shown me your power, yeeeaah u are so mighty. yeeaah for the muslim-hater. pff... __________________________________________________ | |
haschhexe ::: Favorites 2007-12-08 15:31:48 gay __________________________________________________ | |
fredday23 ::: Favorites 2007-12-08 10:47:49 schtereben lol Einfach hammer __________________________________________________ | |
Senceses ::: Favorites 2007-12-03 09:50:53 Typisch Deutsch was soll man da noch sagen. xD __________________________________________________ | |
Sinan97082 ::: Favorites 2007-11-30 13:51:52 ohhhhh da drückt sich jemand aber vulgär aus, und hat noch nicht mal die info gelesen OOOOOOHHHH eine runde mitleid __________________________________________________ | |
Blutlinie ::: Favorites 2007-11-30 08:55:48 Schwuler Affe __________________________________________________ | |
Sinan97082 ::: Favorites 2007-11-26 08:07:48 Ich hoff das du AUCH den infotext, rechts im block, gelesen hast. Uuund wie gesagt BITTE KEINE BELEIDIGUNGEN, das gilt für ALLE! IM VIDEO GEHTS UM ETWAS GANZ ANDERES... __________________________________________________ |
Jimi Hendrix- "URANUS ROCK"- Jim Morrison
Duration: 03:06 minutes Upload Time: 2007-11-08 02:09:19 User: SohoBlues :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Jimi Hendrix |
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Evangelion Stupify Disturbed
Duration: 04:11 minutes Upload Time: 2007-11-22 20:51:35 User: Jeremymill :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: What I do when I get bored....... |
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Duration: 03:41 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-25 22:34:48 User: SetsuSora :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 3rd video... Yume, if you reading this, its 4 you |
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Louiesly ::: Favorites 2007-10-21 23:44:04 awesome video, kingdom hearts is such a cool game __________________________________________________ |
Sous le signe des mousquetaires épisode 38 part 3
Duration: 05:36 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-15 22:51:00 User: animeapoteux :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Sous le signe des mousquetaires épisode 38 part 3 |
enur feat natasja - calabria 2007
Duration: 04:55 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-10 05:03:48 User: rokola88 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: es la poya de video |
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gummigris ::: Favorites 2008-01-09 08:57:31 R.I.P Natasja .. __________________________________________________ | |
ImBobTheCat ::: Favorites 2008-01-09 01:19:35 love the song but i remember when i first heard it i was like wow these trunpets sound really familiar though the song is diff. then i remembered, it's such a knock off of Alex Gaudino's Destination Calabria. still rocks tho. too bad enur died __________________________________________________ | |
natcheers ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 19:22:15 Witch its natasha and witch is enur..Mi name is natasha:Plol __________________________________________________ | |
DjHypnoTiKK ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 19:20:57 once ur done watching this vid.. check out my soca mix to this song.. search for : hypnotik calabria __________________________________________________ | |
DjHypnoTiKK ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 19:19:43 Easy now no need fi(as in for) go down, easy now no need fi go down, rock that run that, this where we from (repeat 2x) Whoop Whoop When you run come around, Cu(z) I kno ur the talk of the town yea (repeat 4x) __________________________________________________ | |
DjHypnoTiKK ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 19:19:02 Easy now no need fi go down Just walk it gently and no break nah bone, Cool end-it-ly, you have a style of your own, Me never kno you saw ya master the saxsaphone cause u sound like the talk of the town yea, imma lock u when u run come around yea, make me wobble, make me whole body bubble, an me no say ya trouble, when ya ready for the double, and n u hit that, no ti-na the mickle (as in middle) play with it a lickle(as in little), why you so na tickle im tellin' you to, hit that __________________________________________________ | |
DjHypnoTiKK ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 19:18:25 no ti-na the mickle (as in middle) stay with it a lickle(as in little), why you so na tickle im feelin' them (whoop whoop) easy now no need fi go down, easy now no need fi go down, walk it gently and no break nah bone Whoop Whoop When you run come around, Cu(z) I kno ur the talk of the town yea (repeat 4x) __________________________________________________ | |
DjHypnoTiKK ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 19:17:38 Best shown overall, shiny and tall, One touch make a gal climb whoever you are, Brass hat, hatter(as in hotter) than fireball Whoop Whoop! You not small you not lickle(as in little) at all Dat touch, just dip on me mind yea The good feelin dip on rewind yea make me wobble, make me whole body bubble, an me no say ya trouble, when ya ready for the double, __________________________________________________ | |
DjHypnoTiKK ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 19:17:10 and n u hit that, no ti-na the mickle (as in middle) play with it a lickle(as in little), why you so na tickle im tellin' you to, hit that no ti-na the mickle (as in middle) stay with it a lickle(as in little), why you so na tickle im feelin' them __________________________________________________ | |
DjHypnoTiKK ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 19:16:13 Walk it gently and no break nah bone easy now no need fi go down, easy now no need fi go down, rock that run that, this where we from (repeat 2x) Whoop Whoop When you run come around, Cu(z) I kno ur the talk of the town yea (repeat 8x) Whooop Whooop!!! __________________________________________________ | |
Andreastij ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 18:40:22 Whoop whoop, when you're in Cameroun. I know you're the talk of the town, yeah!?!?!?! __________________________________________________ | |
ivegotnervex84 ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 18:26:25 omgg love thiss songg . my favvvvv! __________________________________________________ | |
linkgunmaster ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 17:46:21 i have no idea wat they say but it's catchy. __________________________________________________ | |
5756593 ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 17:06:34 LOVE IT __________________________________________________ | |
DjHypnoTiKK ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 12:57:28 this song's off the hook!! whoop whoop.. while you're a that, feel free to check the mix i made for this song.. search for : hypnotik calabria __________________________________________________ |
Mario Strikers Charged
Duration: 00:57 minutes Upload Time: 2006-10-10 14:50:06 User: johnmarvindavis :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Awesome Wii footage!!!! |
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yuna359 ::: Favorites 2007-05-15 17:24:10 Peach is my character. whats yours __________________________________________________ | |
pepsidiet ::: Favorites 2006-11-05 08:44:28 I want ! I want ! I want ! __________________________________________________ |
Hídblokád, 2007. október 26.
Duration: 05:27 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-27 08:31:28 User: gerygrey :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: a kuruc.info által meghirdetett hídblokád |
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Slipandris ::: Favorites 2007-11-17 15:24:06 nincs ám igazad __________________________________________________ | |
somaci ::: Favorites 2007-11-01 08:09:49 Szánalmas banda, szánalmas követelésekkel. Ezek nem tüntetők, csőcselék mind. A videó jó, de az eszköz nem szentesíti a célt. Szarok vagytok. Soma. __________________________________________________ | |
Slipandris ::: Favorites 2007-10-29 17:24:06 Te nem vagy normális. Látszik mennyire fejletlen az agyad és mennyire tudatlan vagy. Feltűnési viszketegség? Több ezer embernek mi? Több százezernek bocsánat. Az, hogy te nem látod át mi folyik ebben az országban, az, hogy nem látod át, hogy jelen pillanatban ezt az országot el akarják tüntetni a térképről, nem minket tüntetőket bizonyít, hanem csakis téged. __________________________________________________ | |
Razor0017 ::: Favorites 2007-10-29 14:22:04 ez jo video lett Gery. csak igy tovabb __________________________________________________ | |
ciganyirto ::: Favorites 2007-10-29 05:23:18 jozef te egy majom vagy érsd meg!!!!!tök szánalmasok az olyan emberek mint te!!!A sok nyomorék tüntető is azért megy tüntetni mert feltűnési viszketegsége van!!! __________________________________________________ | |
Slipandris ::: Favorites 2007-10-28 20:07:32 További sok sikert mindenkinek. __________________________________________________ | |
jozef22222 ::: Favorites 2007-10-28 16:01:40 Végre egy jo kísérlet a fasszopo gyurcsány meg a cimborái ellen. a sok buzi mszp-s meg bekaphatja __________________________________________________ |