Sunday, August 12, 2007

ゾンビローン第5話 (1-3)

Duration: 535 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-01 07:32:19
User: Kasuma98
:::: Favorites

Zombie Loan Episode 5 Part 1! enjoy!^^

tammysawada ::: Favorites
thxxxxxxxx plzzzzzz upload more !!!!!!
07-08-01 16:13:15
ichigoxEX ::: Favorites
PLZZZZ UPLOAD MORE!!!!!And upload with subs too =DDDDD upload non-subs and subs =DDDD
07-08-01 19:51:02
Kasuma98 ::: Favorites
okay!xD no prob!^^
07-08-02 00:41:41
InuxKag123 ::: Favorites
I wish it had subtitles
07-08-02 15:48:52
Kasuma98 ::: Favorites
sry but the fansubs haven't released the sub yet! if the sub comes out i will upload it as fast as possible!!!
07-08-02 15:56:39
ryuukotsuseii ::: Favorites
haah who needs subs these days...
07-08-03 06:09:56
Sheeva535 ::: Favorites
thx for upload I'll be waiting for subs.
07-08-03 14:52:00
silverthehusky ::: Favorites
The subs ARE out already
07-08-04 06:47:43
MuZiChick95 ::: Favorites
plzzzzzzzzz i really wanna watch it with subs
07-08-10 14:31:48
Kasuma98 ::: Favorites
I have already uploaded it! The name of the vid is ZL! search in my playlist! there you must find the vid ZL 5 and that's it what you search for!!
07-08-10 17:12:50
vizard2022 ::: Favorites
WARNING!Anime Haters are on the loose! If you see anyone that makes fun of ANY ANIME, SPAM THEM!Spread the word by pasting this message on any Anime Video.If you don't YouTube will delete it if you let anyone make fun of Anime.SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!
07-08-10 18:05:13

I am, You are, There is -- Another Approach

Duration: 516 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-23 08:15:55
User: azrienoch
:::: Favorites

I really wish I had a director's account (I think I'll keep complaining until I get it) so I can just talk your ear off all day long. The matter really deserves a longer timeframe.

robion2020 ::: Favorites
this is where i invoke 'space-time', sorry RU..., i am = existing = description of our place in space-time. existing learned by verbs; i exist through my experiences.
07-05-24 13:16:30
scoutie111 ::: Favorites
Hehe, don't be too sure that I know what I'm talking about either! ;-)
07-05-24 14:16:07
likenfreude ::: Favorites
Documentation is a good habit to get into.
07-05-24 23:06:08
likenfreude ::: Favorites
That's what I like about you, and why I just subscribed.
07-05-24 23:27:30
likenfreude ::: Favorites
But does comparing come into play when simply proclaiming "I am?" Doesn't the essence of that statement ignore or even annihilate anything that "there is?" And when I say "I am thinking", am I actually thinking? Really good thinking thrives in the absence of the sense of self; hence the "white heat" of geniuses at work.
07-05-24 23:50:05
likenfreude ::: Favorites
What we really need to do is grow an organ for telepathy. But then we'd all be "thinking" about how that was not sufficient.
07-05-24 23:56:20
vadiku ::: Favorites
Stop confusing us! If you need help, just ask for it! I'll help you!
07-05-28 17:14:47
dkrowley ::: Favorites
We use all of these terms to reinforce our position relative to others. You could just put "therefore" between each phrase. And theres no start to the question, surely. Its dasein.
07-05-29 05:06:12
janssnick ::: Favorites
You are pretentious.
07-06-05 20:32:02
azrienoch ::: Favorites
Yes... anything actually related to the discussion to contribute?
07-06-05 22:24:15

Naruto Shippuuden 20 preview subbed

Duration: 86 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-06 00:52:06
User: JunkieNell
:::: Favorites

This is the subbed preview from the next weeks episode Naruto Shippuuden 19 + a little trailer from the new naruto movie enjoy...

girl7707 ::: Favorites
haha...poor neji
07-07-19 23:31:14
yondaimeisnarutosdad ::: Favorites
getnaruto-dot-com has episode 20 subbed, its the second video window u c.
07-07-19 23:34:38
GildedTemplar ::: Favorites
Wait, IS THERE OTHER FANSUBS OUT THERE? because DB didnt Subb it yet, so how does other ppl have it?(subb)
07-07-20 00:14:16
GildedTemplar ::: Favorites
Hey you are right, it is subbed all ready, but what other company does it>? they don't put the credits, and You can tell its a different company because that Translation is a little different at times.
07-07-20 00:20:10
GildedTemplar ::: Favorites
I just watched it, It was Great! CANT WAIT TIL THE NEXT EP! I just dont see why Kakashi and Naruto can't beat 1-eyed&arm Didera. Plus isn't Kakashi supposed to be any good? oh on DailyMotion, and the other Fansubs sub alot faster. I woner who they are?
07-07-20 00:56:19
getbleached ::: Favorites
You can download naruto and bleach in both AVI and realmedia formats at the website below. You can also watch it online: bleached[dot]net[dot]tc
07-07-20 03:52:34
MP5WSCOPE ::: Favorites
[ BLEACHXTREME COM ] FREE ANIME n MANGA DIRECT DOWNLOADS NO REGISTRATION, NO FEE Avoid going to streaming sites with popups, malicious scripts, virus, worms! [ BLEACHXTREME COM ] FREE ANIME n MANGA DIRECT DOWNLOADS NO REGISTRATION, NO FEE Avoid going to streaming sites with popups, malicious scripts, virus, worms!
07-07-22 11:24:42
nani0410 ::: Favorites
quiero el capitulo 20
07-07-31 12:13:27
SasuKun ::: Favorites
what? im not even being a smartass im just telling you to learn how to spell and its good for your education -.-
07-07-31 18:15:57
VegettoXT ::: Favorites
If you are bored and like naruto join h t t p : / / n a r u t o n i n j a 0 . 3 0 . f o rumer. c o m / i n d e x . p h p ? narutoninja Start out as a Genin and work your way up!
07-08-06 19:02:31

DUMKA NA DWA SERCA ( video), edyta gorniak (lyrics)

Duration: 254 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-28 21:27:39
User: lukaspolaco
:::: Favorites

music hit from Poland. 1998 Mój sokole chmurnooki Pytaj o mnie gór wysokich Pytaj o mnie lasów mądrych I uwolnij mnie Mój sokole, mój przejrzysty Pytaj o mnie nurtów bystrych Pytaj o mnie kwiatów polnych I uwolnij mnie, mój miły... Jak mam pytać gwiazd w niebiosach ? Są zazdrosne o Twój posag: O miłości cztery skrzynie I o dobroć Twą Mój miły... Jak mam pytać innych kobiet ? Serce me odkryją w Tobie I choć wiedzą, nie powiedzą Nie odnajdę Cię Mój sokole gromowładny Pytaj o mnie stepów sławnych Pytaj tych burzanów wonnych I uwolnij mnie Przez kurhany spopielałe Przez chutory w ogniu całe Snu już nie znam, step odmierzam By odnaleźć Cię Mój miły... Jakże pytać mam księżyca ? On się kocha w Twych źrenicach Słońce zgoni, step zasłoni Nie odnajdę Cię Mój miły... Jakże pytać mam Kozaka ? Co na miłość chorą zapadł On by z żalu świat podpalił Gdyby stracił Cię... Mnie... Jakże pytać mam księżyca ? On się kocha w Twych źrenicach Słońce zgoni, step zasłoni Nie odnajdziesz mnie My wpatrzeni, zasłuchani Tak współcześni aż do granic W ciemnym kinie, po kryjomu Ocieramy łzę

clo1157 ::: Favorites
Que de fabuleux souvenirs de Pologne, et toujours les mêmes émotions lorsque j'entends cette magnifique chanson.
07-07-21 06:37:20
lukaspolaco ::: Favorites
what does it mean in english???
07-07-21 19:22:52
pagu1912 ::: Favorites
You mean the entire text or only title? Because I will not translate all text this song, but title in english mean: "Dumka on two hearts". Soory for my english :P I'm Polish men
07-07-26 15:27:12
lukaspolaco ::: Favorites
sorry ale moj komentarz odnosi sie do CLO1175
07-07-26 19:34:53
KamilGrand ::: Favorites
Hi everyone! I am creating a playlist of great hits from many epochs. The music is very differential here. Just click on my nickname and check it out ya all! Hope u'll enjoy it :]
07-07-29 16:31:16
maritka789 ::: Favorites
jak to słucham to aż ciarki mam :D suuuper hit , stary ale jary . wspomnienia z podstawowki ;]
07-07-31 08:19:18
greensocks2007 ::: Favorites
a ja bym wybrala bohuna
07-08-02 16:34:18
greensocks2007 ::: Favorites
you asking whole song or only title? i am translating some polish song here on you tube to english
07-08-02 16:35:49
Bobinhoadg ::: Favorites
skorupko to fajna dupa jakby nie patrzec :D
07-08-03 13:25:37
FelosialFlav ::: Favorites
Poland has really gr8 history
07-08-09 16:00:34


Duration: 13 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-24 00:01:35
User: Uebasnet
:::: Favorites

caras, que tombo!

wwwdora ::: Favorites
nossa *O* moreu ?
07-04-25 21:37:50

David Brooks on his recent meeting with Bush

Duration: 108 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-22 14:14:22
User: TheDailyBackground
:::: Favorites

Conservative NYT columnist David Brooks discusses the recent meeting President Bush had with several conservative pundits, including himself. 7/22/07.

DelinquentFaith ::: Favorites
So our president is on a mission from God? And we should base our future on HIS faith? I thought monarchs are the ones who believe themselves to be divinely appointed, not presidents.
07-07-22 23:44:12
annarboriter ::: Favorites
David, the philosophical question that you might want to consider is whether war crimes committed by a US president are actionable with a pundit class with their heads so far up their collective recta.
07-08-10 21:37:54

Space Ship One

Duration: 453 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-04 09:49:32
User: Bluegrass187
:::: Favorites

Pictures and clip of Space Ship One

BasilRiverdale ::: Favorites
I have no comment. Only tears.
07-07-29 22:44:02

Clot de Galvany - Explosión de mosquitos 1 May 07

Duration: 96 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-01 17:08:52
User: Bluegrass187
:::: Favorites

Humedales del Clot, Alicante Spain 1 Mayo 2007, luna llena, explosión de mosquitos. Golondrinas y vencejos dándose un festín de mosquitos

Isso que é ter coragem

Duration: 41 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-29 10:45:38
User: Uebasnet
:::: Favorites

Isso que é ter coragem

The Most Famous UFO Ever, The Jupiter Two

Duration: 148 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-10 20:03:03
User: Hippie1abc
:::: Favorites

The Jupiter 2

MeMarySilly ::: Favorites
Very impressing indeed!
07-07-11 08:04:08
MeMarySilly ::: Favorites
Ich hätte aber gerne einige Frage noch dazu. Vielleicht kannst du so nett sein um etwas weiter zu sagen: 1) ist das ein Spielgzeug? 2) ist das Teil einer "Dreharbeit" wie z.B. STAR WARS? 3) Warum so viel Feuer um ihn herum? Wozu? 4) Wenn es kein Spielgzeug ist, WER war/ist der Projektant bzw. WER hat dieses Apparat aufgebaut? 5) Ist das Deine Idee? ;-) Für Deine Mühe und Aufmerksamkeit DANKE DIR! :)
07-07-11 08:37:03
VonHelton ::: Favorites
"Lost in Space" :)
07-08-05 21:47:05
Hippie1abc ::: Favorites
1)Es ist ein Model , das in Miniatur gebaut wurde. 2)Es ist für die Fernsehserie 'Lost In Space' gemacht worden. 3)Spezial-Effekte 4)Du kannst die Antwort so finden indem du bei Google 'Lost in Space' eingibst. 5)Nein. -------------------------------- Mfg, Ich.
07-07-11 10:09:04
MeMarySilly ::: Favorites
Danke Hippielabc, für deine aufmerksame Antworte. Sehr freundlich! :)
07-07-11 16:56:43
Hippie1abc ::: Favorites
07-07-11 17:04:35
rodnyking90 ::: Favorites
Is this Spielberg's work?
07-07-11 20:56:41
Hippie1abc ::: Favorites
07-07-11 21:25:38
Raymidnight2 ::: Favorites
07-07-12 01:46:01
aceBryan7ox ::: Favorites
Go J-2!
07-07-20 20:53:37
robogoretex ::: Favorites
loud peice of shit.
07-07-22 16:36:21
SuperSexySascha ::: Favorites
jane stop this crazy thing!
07-08-07 14:56:53
Hippie1abc ::: Favorites
07-08-10 13:48:16

US ARMY begin using a new live fire combat

Duration: 198 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-29 00:06:06
User: ramadan2710
:::: Favorites

The US Army begins using a new live fire combat training technology (MMSR) for soldiers going to Iraq and Afghanistan

Drunken Absurdities, 1 of 2

Duration: 559 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-12 02:02:59
User: azrienoch
:::: Favorites

This is part one. People complain that I'm boring when I vlog because I'm drunk, but I've never been drunk while vlogging. To prove it, I made this.

VegasBatman ::: Favorites
"you act a lot harder than you are" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
07-03-20 02:23:54
azrienoch ::: Favorites
07-03-20 02:26:25
jipsifallon ::: Favorites
k....all i heard was...ABSINTHE..that's all
07-04-12 22:19:29
jipsifallon ::: Favorites
and when I say that all I heard was "ABSINTHE," I didn't mean that that is ALL I heard. I mean.."absinthe..thumbs up.." nevermind
07-04-12 22:21:23
RocknRoll420763 ::: Favorites
Wow Az, watching You drink all that rum straight almost made me sick. (I had a bad bender with the captain and now the smell makes my stomach turn) You must have had a mean hangover from doing that. Take care, RR
07-07-09 10:00:21
RocknRoll420763 ::: Favorites
oh and just curious what does it feel like when You drink Absinthe?
07-07-09 10:03:50
azrienoch ::: Favorites
It feels like Heaven and Hell on Earth at once.
07-07-09 10:09:35

UFO, Pilot and Air Traffic Control In Holland

Duration: 436 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-27 22:53:35
User: aceBryan7ox
:::: Favorites

The conversation here between Pilot, Air Traffic Control took place in 1997 over the skies of Holland. To learn about the Aliens flying these UFOS, what they look like and where they were examined start here: To hear The scientific Analysis of UFO's start here: To hear over 300 government witnesses with security clearances, high ranking inside military officers, Radar operators come forward before a national press conference to prove that UFOS are real go here: To hear the most revealing secrets of UFOS The Coverup and The First encounter with ETS go here: To see One Of The Most Convincing Flying Saucers Ever Filmed Go Here:

aerodynamic1 ::: Favorites
This happens many times a year but we rarely hear about it. Excellent case, thanks for posting.
07-05-28 18:51:23
Triple777ER ::: Favorites
Excellent post, makes so much sense now
07-07-04 01:07:04
13rdp ::: Favorites
Every piot should have a camera in his fly-case!
07-07-07 02:17:55
dday151 ::: Favorites
wow very crazy, air traffic controllers have a book in it there is a section on ufo's
07-07-29 21:28:49

Gran Hermano edicion central pt.1 [22.01.07]

Duration: 229 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-22 20:59:41
User: yaco49
:::: Favorites

parte uno de la edicion central de GH2007 del dia 22/01.

Yosemite UFO

Duration: 50 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-22 15:02:41
User: aceBryan7ox
:::: Favorites

This was filmed in 2002 by a vacationer in Yosmite Park. Jets appeared to intercept this object. To learn about the Aliens flying these UFOS, what they look like and where they were examined start here: To hear The scientific Analysis of UFO's start here: To hear over 300 government witnesses with security clearances, high ranking inside military officers, Radar operators come forward before a national press conference to prove that UFOS are real go here: To hear the most revealing secrets of UFOS The Coverup and The First encounter with ETS go here: To see One Of The Most Convincing Flying Saucers Ever Filmed Go Here:

frankiedi ::: Favorites
07-05-22 16:30:15
aceBryan7ox ::: Favorites
you're welcome!
07-05-22 16:31:18
Calliope561 ::: Favorites
What's it all about, Alfie?
07-05-25 03:00:41
chemtrail o scie chimiche! this isn t ufo but human trash! see chemtrail com sciechimiche org ! 24-6-07,ore 22:per coloro che ci credono ed anche e sopratutto per chi non crede; il 24 giugno 2007 sara' la giornata del Contatto-UFO! alle 22, chi ne abbia la possibilita' si metta al balcone ,o alla finestra e puntando un proiettore da 1 o piu' milioni di candele ed anche un laser ,segnali in codice morse la parola u f o;( - - -- ; - - -- - ; -- -- -- ).perchiarimenti
07-06-03 13:06:22
nixter1nixter1 ::: Favorites
I think the chemtrail people are missing the point on this one, yes there is a contrail there, but that's not the unusual feature in this video. It is the way that the contrail is so high in the atmosphere that this could be a top secret X Plane. The key here is that the contrails are so high up that they have formed nocto-luminescent clouds. These only form after rocket launches, so it was either a rocket launch or a craft flying at the edge of space. Very good, very mysterious.
07-06-09 21:13:32
Matchouk ::: Favorites
just dazzling, no matter what this is:p
07-06-10 22:38:00
Mamasan41 ::: Favorites
The first thing I thought of was that a missile had been fired. At what? A mistake?
07-06-15 17:55:08
flamingo55esshse ::: Favorites
were was this video shot? cuz well to me it looks like a rocket but if no were near nasa well i donno
07-06-25 10:58:11
Monsterenergy791 ::: Favorites
too slow to be a comet-couldn't be a plane (could it) and it definitely is an unidentified flying object
07-06-27 19:03:14
chago1593 ::: Favorites!
07-07-04 00:22:50

Fastwalkers Ufo And Alien Disclosure part six

Duration: 597 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-19 21:36:35
User: aceBryan7ox
:::: Favorites

Perhaps one of the best documentaries ever on UFO'S, Aliens, the cover-up and the disclosure. Ten Parts

All-Access: Cleveland Rocks for Game 3

Duration: 70 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-13 03:54:28
User: NBA
:::: Favorites

The fans of Cleveland showcase their love and passion for the Cavaliers as they prepare for Game 3 of The Finals. Visit for more NBA Playoff action!

trishfan1000 ::: Favorites
b g gugrg7tosrhugsfjfnjfnuirthgtiuerhtudfyhgfbyriuthgoiurthgurtegheruyuerthrt ht7yt hyr87yh89eryhtr9uhguhtryurthyrtyhtr87rth5y7r859yhr59u8bbb fj  bgff gjjb bgnnbg gjjbghtruhgrttru yh trhtruhtryuirttjnjigtnuhtjuihdnrtyohogfjihrtyuirytuiyhtuignhutihtyrt8uhtiurtriyhtuhiyhjutyihturti9hturtioji hgh tyihyg dtghrtyh hy tdyhtrytujy6rttrtyuuuuytdjyjyt
07-06-17 20:02:09
39rc6cf ::: Favorites
San Antone made you look like fools. Four straight losses? Be ashamed of yourselves.
07-06-18 13:25:02
snakeson25 ::: Favorites
Le Bron rules
07-06-21 19:33:09
MiamiCuban15 ::: Favorites
i hate cleveland,and i mean not just the team itself,but i mean the city of clevland in general,that place sucks!
07-06-25 13:45:45
MiamiCuban15 ::: Favorites
yeah yeah fuck you too,asshole!
07-06-25 13:46:24
selam57 ::: Favorites
ya it allways good tocome home and lose sucka.that fill good for you u need to work hard to talk the troffie from the dynasty .leberon sucks wade is better than him.
07-06-27 00:58:51
fear414 ::: Favorites
Prime 2 Prime, they aint no camparing Shaq to Tim. Tim won in a "polite" way..Shaq "bullied" teams when he was in his Prime. Really. no joke.
07-06-28 03:03:22
drewfusRUFUSpoofus ::: Favorites
uhh.. my xbox 360 broke but i use xpango.c0m and typed in the refferal code 90519651 and got a brand new one!!
07-06-28 18:20:46
sperli124 ::: Favorites
cleveland fans dont complain about curses and never will unlike other cities. they made it farther than any other cleveland team and it was their first finals appearance ever. so shut up and be ashamed that your team couldnt make it that far.
07-06-30 00:01:27
39rc6cf ::: Favorites
My team is the Keisler Utah Bloomer Girls and we came in first in the league. Wanna make something out of it?
07-06-30 10:07:05

Red State Update gets on the CNN/YouTube debate!

Duration: 52 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-23 23:23:18
User: TheDailyBackground
:::: Favorites

7/23/07. Congrats to Travis and Jonathan (known better around here as Jackie and Dunlap). Here's the original Red State Update video that was submitted: And here's my blog:

p00lman ::: Favorites
I can't understand the last thing the guy says.
07-07-24 00:48:43
quicksite ::: Favorites
"what i want to know is, did you have your feelings hurt?"
07-07-24 01:25:09
Skedarking85 ::: Favorites
"Does that hurt yall's feelins?" Now go south of Kentucky and come back when you can understand that without straining :)
07-07-25 01:29:13

Kiteboarding - PKRA Tarifa 2007 - Part 3

Duration: 321 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-10 18:31:13
User: ExtremeElementsTV
:::: Favorites

Kiteboarding world cup, PKRA in Tarifa, men single elimination part 3, finals.

neddyknacker ::: Favorites
Get in part 3! extreme elements I dont know what I'd do without you!
07-07-11 06:04:51
mariabartlettelect ::: Favorites
so stoked you have the vids up sick! heading out to try out some mega loops myself in tarifa on 7-29th aug haha naedanger!!! check out my scotland utube vids@addicted to snow cheerz
07-07-11 06:12:05
ignaciomuerza ::: Favorites
amazing videos from PKRA Tarifa! Part I, II and III are terrific! Congratulations and please make a fourth part with more stuff, please!!!
07-07-12 08:17:42
RSVPBUY ::: Favorites
Yeah... be somebody! Great Video! Share your upcoming events!
07-07-13 01:28:22
osriser ::: Favorites
i was there...awsome show!!! ruben lenden with his monster jump on friday!!!!sic
07-07-13 09:45:32
BlueBallroom ::: Favorites
07-07-14 04:54:08
Nicowindprod ::: Favorites
Vraiment vraiment top! La video la musique l'ambiance les moves. quel beau travail!
07-07-25 15:50:30
rikardbengtsson ::: Favorites
it´s crazy...they jump so so high
07-07-29 06:48:18
longzero12 ::: Favorites
Hey rikardbengtsson,want to see other such high jumps ??? I had seen it at splashvision . com.
07-08-06 07:35:00

UFO Alien Disclosure Project pt 3

Duration: 539 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-21 19:07:32
User: aceBryan7ox
:::: Favorites

Here are to the disclosures of The Alien and UFO phenomena by High Ranking Government Officials; Military, Astronautical, Scientific and Political figures. The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. They have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.

nuttyconaire ::: Favorites
is there a video of the launch?????????
07-05-31 11:48:50
lrvives ::: Favorites
that's a nice Arts & Crafts chair in the back...Nice. That's probably teal velvet. 1890s...probably oak...Looks like an Eastlake chair. Hmmm...Beautiful!
07-07-22 05:10:54
VanguardDragon ::: Favorites
I was thinking that, isn't it lovely? very English
07-08-09 18:49:03

Fantasma , muito legal

Duration: 39 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-27 08:59:57
User: Uebasnet
:::: Favorites

Fantasma , muito legal

VinnyVerde ::: Favorites
eu ñ sei pq alguem ainda acha q isso assusta...
07-07-28 13:13:20
Cedsyl ::: Favorites
07-07-28 21:04:15
gordonerick ::: Favorites
kopasdokpadskopakopdsopkasdopkasdopkokdsap Esse idiota parece o vocal do Angra xP
07-07-28 21:33:37
tvresgate ::: Favorites
Nossa,qu ecoisa idiota ,antiga e patética! Duh!
07-07-28 21:56:46
blindox ::: Favorites
07-07-28 23:02:23
dioox ::: Favorites
Lol isso ja nao cola mais ^^
07-07-29 01:35:34