Friday, August 10, 2007

Barack Obama at Maryland Dem Party Rally

Duration: 559 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-04 23:17:16
User: BarackObamadotcom
:::: Favorites

On Friday November 3rd, U.S. Senator Barack Obama spoke to Maryland voters in support of Martin O'Malley for Governor, Anthony Brown for Lieutenant Governor and Ben Cardin for U.S. Senate.

Anitka81 ::: Favorites
look at his competition... he's THE ONLY trustworthy candidate- check the others' records on their views- hilary was pro-Iraq war only a few months ago, and with the election nearing (and obama gaining support), she just changed her stand. America deserves a president with a social conscience! VOTE OBAMA!!!!
07-04-12 05:36:19
ssvegeta1232 ::: Favorites
so u are saying that if he wins the only reason he would have wpn would be because he is black? damn i didn't think america was that accepting of black people with that type of love in this country i'm suprised we didn't elect 5 or 6 of them
07-04-18 02:29:38
ssvegeta1232 ::: Favorites
hey o'malley and cardin won so I guess he did his part
07-04-18 02:30:09
jpsalda ::: Favorites
No, fuck you and your bigot beliefs. This country has had enough of people like you. Bring back the HOPE Barack Obama President of The United States of America
07-04-22 01:37:00
basspalyer987 ::: Favorites
shut up nobody cares about ur beliefs
07-04-22 12:53:28
shashanasexy ::: Favorites
he's a terrific speaker. it's like he states the things we all have been dying to hear. takes a couple seconds to realize we're not dreaming that he's speaking.
07-04-27 11:52:17
bkhoffman ::: Favorites
When a person writes, or says something that lacks intelligence of common sense ignore them, for they do not know. They have a very bad case of ignorance. Forgive their ignorance, because they shall see the ignorance though for themselves. May God help them all...
07-05-03 14:41:58
LoparXL ::: Favorites
In other words, don't feed the trolls. I find all politicians, regardless of party, to be contemptable. However, this man's charisma and speech I find interesting. Let's hope that if he is elected that he will stay true to his word.
07-05-28 22:11:15
jmhaze2006 ::: Favorites
Too bad some bigots look at the outside, rather than who a person is. Obama seems to have more integrity and wisdom than the other candidates, who really cares what color someone is, I guess there are a few left that don't know better,,very sad.
07-06-14 16:03:34
jmhaze2006 ::: Favorites
I don't think Hilary could win as president. Hopefully people will see what is important and vote for Barrak Obama!
07-06-14 16:06:06

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