Friday, August 24, 2007

Re: Perez Hilton Has A Secret!

Duration: 03:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 23:59:42
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV reply's

LethalNoodle ::: Favorites
Urgh, I just found him on an other video so I just respond on here again... Dude, you aren't funny, you are retarded, and buy some teeth, do something about your appearance. Children go to this site!
07-08-23 19:04:35
danybr ::: Favorites
could u shut up thats more than 1000 responses
07-08-22 23:11:19
pedrorocker ::: Favorites
loved it!
07-08-22 19:53:36
HighestFiend ::: Favorites
Cool. I loved this guy in The Hills Have Eyes.
07-08-22 19:48:17
XxbriaxX ::: Favorites
07-08-22 18:57:35
erikasfl ::: Favorites
nigga u burped
07-08-22 18:44:48
erikasfl ::: Favorites
nigga u burped
07-08-22 18:43:56
jamesbryant80 ::: Favorites
I'm not normallly an overtly generous man, but could I buy you some teeth? I hate the thought of you drinking thru a straw for the rest of your life.
07-08-22 16:28:41
bprangerz ::: Favorites
check out bprangerz videos
07-08-22 15:46:42
blakes67 ::: Favorites
was that a burp at the beginning
07-08-22 15:08:05
LethalNoodle ::: Favorites
JohnnieTV? JohnnieRedneck you mean... Get offa Youtube's propertah!! *Loads shotgun*
07-08-22 14:50:56
AlexanderBech ::: Favorites
07-08-22 14:47:19
aleah6cuuute ::: Favorites
hot adults on webcam in your AREA! CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-08-22 07:48:16
frazerho ::: Favorites
youre the only reason youtube is good man, keep hittin us with those responses!!!
07-08-22 01:19:54
imalittlenuttso2 ::: Favorites
rock on johnny tv......wooo hooo!
07-08-22 00:50:04

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