Monday, September 24, 2007

David Icke - PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION (it works like this!)

Duration: 05:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-02 14:07:57
User: NufffRespect
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Problem Reaction Solution (NWO Mix 2006). Exposing the Illuminati New World Order Agenda - staged terror attacks to create fear, removal of civil liberties, and a totalitarian fascist police state. Tony Blair & George W Bush are puppets that the illuminati have put in power in order to erode our rights and freedoms. These fascists are all as evil and crooked as they come. Blair is a 33rd degree freemason and Bush is a member of the satanic skull & bones society. These political puppets answer to the illuminati - the shadowy elite who really call the shots. We really must stop putting our trust in people like this - we blindly give our power away to them and they use it to blackmail us and put us in a state of fear over some external problem that they themselves have covertly created. It's a mind-manipulation technique called "Problem-Reaction-Solution" and the illuminati have used this method for thousands of years to control the destiny of this world. It won't get any better until we get off our arses and shout about it! But we must remember that Bush, Blair and the rest of the cronies who seem to have their hands on the wheels of power in this world, are actually just puppets who the illuminati put into power in order to advance their agenda for the "new world order". The illuminati, who are behind the scenes controlling the whole show, never put themselves on public display because they want us to think that the buck stops with people like Bush & Blair. For those of you who are new to this subject, I urge you to do some basic research on secret societies like the Freemasons, The Bilderberg Group, The Order of Skull & Bones, The Trilateral Commission and the CFR. It is not too late for us to stop these servants of evil from totally enslaving the population. Our biggest weapon is INFORMATION because information will lead us to the truth, and the truth will set us free. The illuminati has deliberately suppressed vital information from us for thousands of years and that has made it possible for them to manipulate humankind for so long. Come on folks, let our generation be the one that finally blows the lid wide open on this evil illuminati conspiracy. For more info, please visit:, and I remixed the music from Paul Hardcastle's 19 as the music is appropriate for the subject matter. TAGS: 9/11 able danger wtc7 truth movement terror drills inside job exercise Mohamed Atta alex jones truth movement inside job 911 facts, info, 9-11 september 11th 2001, pnac bush cheney terror false flag black ops illuminati skull bones larry silverstein wtc, wtc1 wtc2 wtc7, collapse bombs explosions. home train love part 小鬼 music kitty tales jump dossiers able danger terrerist exercise drills pnac pets anime hot technology science drift hsv kiss mason de trick school movie singing my tv trailer video nouvel ... skate me video fantasy japan 51 final live fight animation clip 2007 nazi eminem dancing cat cute soccer warcraft project for the new american century reptilian baby fantasy la super with pc crazy by comedy football song sex accident sexy kids travel car 2006 mario super x factor a men in white angle dude CIA skating dogs birds tits boobs britney spears nude naked striptease dragonballz dragon demon batman spiderman superman ass asshole george bush usa campaign prank call the simpsons family guy Colonel Shaffer passions teacher police guitar piano rock pop dance military ties hiphop fire burn asians asian kissing kiss hot cold iraq war hitler ww2 wwii world war 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d f g h j k l p o i u y t r e w q z x c v b n m 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 number 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 shit fuck wank wanker cunt bitch dog populatity new york hollywood famous places celebraty global warming climate change al gore george james blunt sucks prodigy rocks snow rain wet porn nude rebuilding america's defences 1st plane hot club penguin Acoustic lyrics guitar england uk united kingdom fifa world cup usa america ringleader canada fuck autism autistic awareness syndrome horror club eminem cool vlog log juts simpsons cartoon network 20th 21st century fox bbc mtv dance chart radio cnn news headline documentary mingy xbox hack rom hacking cd disc al Qaeda cock dick scottosh fold 2nd plane iphone phone penis penisland island ships 9/11 911 terrorict terror attack world trade center towers blow up renetto iraq war hijacker hitler clothes topless crash bandicoot team racing playstation sony microsoft nintendo wii ebay note final cut apple premiere news online outkast communist Pentagon revolver gun shotgun hunting deer bear dick cheney condoleeza late nite early morning hell cyber space Defense Intelligence Agency nasa galaxy mars saturn uranus pluto nasa


bagzie ::: Favorites
The old man being rejected from the Labor Party conference was an absolute disgrace - what a bunch of cowardly thugs........and the Blair/Bush morphing sequence was hilarious!.......Icke is right in his hypothesis, and when the National ID cards are rolled out I shall be one of the citizens who refuses to register - jail or no jail, they can kiss my fucking ass.
07-09-19 09:47:09
519auto ::: Favorites
how can david icke be alive, he knows more than he can speak. I can tell there are a lot more that he knows, but is being forced to keep quite.
07-09-16 18:25:07
alifico ::: Favorites
PROBLEM-ILLUMINATI REACTION-WTF SOLUTION-REVOLUTION.....(the only thing nesessary for the triumph of evil is for good men/women to do nothing. edmund birke bristol mp 1776-1780). love 2 live-live 2 love.(me citizen of earth 2007)
07-09-05 23:37:23
anoninnyc ::: Favorites
great film
07-08-11 23:28:37
mrjustin5 ::: Favorites
GREAT VIDEO! Lots of good footage I haven't seen before. The naked man with the hood over his head is among the most disgusting. We're not liberating Iraq, we're blowing it to pieces and killing innocent children (55% of Iraqs population are children).
07-08-07 15:51:53
Knetschkopf ::: Favorites
Search on google video for "Zeitgeist".
07-07-15 08:51:24
pipoclown2 ::: Favorites
See for more information Video 'the moneymasters' on Google themoneymasters 'dot' com hugequestions 'dot' com iamthewitness 'dot' com
07-07-14 09:16:13
Tomzen9 ::: Favorites
Izeman you have problems with reading comprehension that is why you are ill educated. You are not a Mossad agent you are just a thick headed retard.
07-07-13 10:03:26
Tomzen9 ::: Favorites
Izeman you came onto u tube crapping all over the place claiming like the ADL claim that Icke is talking about Jews when he uses the word reptile. I told you Ronson a Jewish documentary film maker defended Icke against your false charges.
07-07-13 04:43:37
izeman458 ::: Favorites
Forget his books, just watch one of his documentaries. They are awesome entertainment, you don't have to be insane to enjoy them either despite what one might think listening to the likes of Tomzen9 spew their crud.
07-07-12 21:01:16

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