Monday, October 1, 2007

InsultAlien=Trevor Rieger

Duration: 00:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-17 19:19:18
User: YTwatchdog
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You tried to expose me and you were dead wrong. Deny this, and I will release more proof I can play this game too ^^ rrrrrrrrrrrr!


sarrycrey ::: Favorites
07-05-26 06:13:38
IceRiccy ::: Favorites
Same shirt, Same physical build..
07-05-05 18:07:01
Martek100 ::: Favorites
Yeah that guy is Insult Alien. the eyes are the same.. the nose mouth and everything is in proportion. The voices are even similar.
07-05-01 20:28:06
seeksthetruth7 ::: Favorites
so they have the same shirt? so what
07-04-25 21:18:35
loisdarckeye ::: Favorites
people need to upload more clips like this. I prefer funnier stuff myself, check out dolphinhump. lostfrog . com , I laughed so hard I got kicked out of class! haha.
07-04-25 06:21:03
krootasaurusrex ::: Favorites
GreenTeaGirlie has a similar shirt too. Check out the "wanna play" vid.
07-04-24 11:34:54
MrsAussieBear ::: Favorites
Um.. 17 actually.. lololololol
07-04-20 22:37:09
nebuchadnezzar4535 ::: Favorites
Trevor Rieger can't be InsultAlien. Just look at their hands. Trevor Reiger is pasty, white guy. InsultAlien's skin is much darker. I say black, hispanic or arabic. Although the one thing I agree, is that these two people must know each other well.
07-04-20 21:26:26
NeighborBob ::: Favorites
I found this to be very...pointless.
07-04-20 20:52:27
MrsAussieBear ::: Favorites
In a can.. In the van.. with Dan.. Would you like a pickle instead..?
07-04-20 11:01:54

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