Monday, April 14, 2008

Guitar Hero 3 Through the Fire and Flames

Duration: 02:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-07 15:17:21

Got this video from and man, I can't wait to get this! It's confirmed that it will come out for PS2 and all of the next-gen systems. I'm getting it for Wii, mainly because I only have a Wii and PS2, but Star Power could be extremely accurate, plus I have internet for Wii. This game is coming out October 28, 2007. Who else can't wait? I don't know who played this, but I'm just saying, this video isn't mine, so don't bitch about how I'm a fraud, because I'm not good at Guitar Hero whatsoever, I can barely play any expert song at all. Don't say that it's not me, becuse everyone will say, "He said it wasn't him in the description dipshit!!!" and all that crap... Original Video: UPDATE: ZOMFG I PREORDERD FOr WII!!! All I need is a recorder thingy and you'll see loads of videos on t =D


gamingfreak3  2008-04-04 22:25:52

yeah wii pry has better graphics then ps2 anyway
ryeb1  2008-03-08 19:51:01

yup. deformed hands always win!
fadedxshadows  2008-03-08 18:31:20

oh god that would hurt... ud need to have like a really really long thumb.... or a really deformed hand
PhickSniper  2008-03-08 14:00:54

that would be a pain in the ass...i would rather stretch meh pinky, since it doesnt even have to stretch an inch...hitting green with your thumb would be suicide
ryeb1  2008-03-08 11:32:18

yes, but if your hand is flexible enough, I'm sure you could use your thumb too.

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