Sunday, August 5, 2007

KGAN: Gov. Romney Campaigns In Cedar Rapids, IA

Duration: 61 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-17 12:05:48
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Governor Mitt Romney's Call For Strengthening The American Military Covered By CBS's Cedar Rapids Affiliate KGAN

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darthmills ::: Favorites
Ron Paul... yeah right.
07-06-17 21:54:07
5M1L3 ::: Favorites
Pushing for realistic troop-level increases is exactly the right thing to do if, like Mitt Romney you support the troop surge, and a strong America. No matter what the conflict, if we do not increase our troop size, we will wear out our troops, just like we are now.
07-06-17 22:11:12
moveoverdotorg ::: Favorites
the energy problems are part of strong defense. it is in our national strategic interst to be energy independent. romney has said as much several times
07-06-18 00:50:13
mpetrie ::: Favorites
We need more troops. Because of situations like now. I do not like the war in Iraq but we are there and we must fix was we messed up before leaving. But here locally, we needed the military for Katrina. We were stretched way too thin so we do need more troops and more funding.
07-06-18 02:11:37
notengopedoconvos ::: Favorites
07-06-19 00:35:15
RexxCrow ::: Favorites
Hello, if you are apart or would like to be apart of the Ron Paul Revolution. I have compiled a cleaned up PDF version of Ron Paul's Wikipedia article, please feel free to download it and email to all your family, friends, interested coworkers (be aware of your works "Politicing Policies"), etc., etc., or post the link whenever you get the chance. Thank You... DEFENDINDEPENDENCE(DOT)ORG/OIF/RP2008.PDF
07-06-30 22:47:51
red5llaw ::: Favorites
According to PoliticalDerbydotCom (the pollsters) They rate Ron Paul, #10 in a Ten horse race. Though he does have a bullet at the moment (His stocks may be rising) maybe he'll stop being the cellar dweller. "We're willing to go out on a limb here, Dr. Paul is never going to be elected president of the United States" Direct Quote.
07-07-19 20:49:32
red5llaw ::: Favorites
The Rasmussen Report (rasmussenreports dot com) a National Pollster quote "[Nationally]...six other candidates split 4% of the vote (Congressman Ron Paul, Congressman Tom Tancredo, Congressman Duncan Hunter, former Governors Tommy Thompson and former Governor Jim Gilmore)". Looks like RP is not doing so well...
07-07-19 20:49:58
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average, everyday person. See my video, Mitt Romney for President 2008!!! Just click on my user name.
07-07-20 01:53:54
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average person about Mitt Romney. Check out my videos on why I like Mitt, what his policies are, and why I think he views are good for the country! Just click on my username to check them out!
07-07-26 16:14:48

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